Kuroo (38)

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-Kuroo POV-

Bokuto threw yogurt in the cart before looking back at him phone. He was smiling like the lovestruck idiot he was. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy we both found someone who completes us, but my god if he throws in one more random thing, I'm going to throw him. Asserting dominance in the only way I know.

I've tried to assert dominance over Bokuto once before, it didn't go so well. He's really heavy.

"Bokuto get off your phone."

He pouted and slid his phone into his pocket. He was going to take it back out in 20 seconds when it vibrated, but at least he listened. "Thank you. Now, would you please remove what you just threw in the cart."

Bokuto blinked at me, I groaned pointing at all of the yogurt. He formed his mouth into an o shape his small brain finally comprehend what was going on. He grabbed the yogurt out placing it back on the shelf neatly. His first job as a teenager was a stocker. Now anytime we are at the store, he fixes anything he can to make it nice and neat. He always tells me how the stickers work so hard and then we just come in here and mess it up.

I honestly had no clue what he was talking about. All the stickers I see throw that shit on the shelf then leave. Which is exactly what I would do if I had that job. The customers are gonna mess them up anyways, so what's the difference?

"How's Kenma?"

I hummed and turned my head to look up at Bokuto. He pulled the cart with his arm glancing around for what he wanted to get.

"He's good why?"

Bokuto shrugged his shoulders. "Just making conversation, we haven't talked much lately."

I scratched the back of my head. I've been hyper focused on Kenma, I didn't even realize Bokuto would've wanted to talk. I'm my defense, I'm still scared Kenma is just going to disappear one of these times. Even though he promises me he isn't going anywhere.

"Hes gonna start streaming again, using my equipment though."

Bokuto turned to me with a confused look. "Why not get him his own? I have money Kuroo."

I shook my head. "No that's not the problem. I was going to get his him own, but we had no where to set it up."

"Oh right." He nodded his head. "I guess we do need a bigger house now."

We were silent for a while, getting the rest of our groceries, checking out and then making our way to the car. Of course, like I said, Bokuto got his phone back out leaving me to place the groceries in the back of the car. I slammed the doors shut once I was done, and slide into the passenger seat, making sure to glare bullets at him.

"What the fuck is so important?"

Bokuto sighed and handed me his phone. "Scroll up and read."

I glanced down at the phone.


Akaashi- hey hey hey hey hey hey

Bokuto- what's got you so clingy all of a sudden?

Akaashi- just wanted attention :/

Bokuto- awww well I'm right here baby

Akaashi- I know, come home and fuck me.

-end chat-

I looked up at Bokuto. "What the fuck is this?"

He glanced over, than quickly grabbed the phone and scrolled down. "Too far up!" His cheeks were a slight red as he handed it back to me. "Okay now read.."

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