Kenma (18)

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Y'all should comment more on this story please and thank you 👉👈😤

-Kenma POV-

I pulled the hoodie over my wet hair, covering the brownish purple bruises on my stomach. It never occurred to me how many of them there were. I couldn't feel them really, not anymore. I snuck some pain killers while I was taking a bath.

My mom entered my room as I was slipping on my boxers. No privacy in this damn house. "M-mom..." I blushed. She rolled her eyes and went over to my window checking to see if it was still screwed in. As if I would actually try to run away out my window. I could just walk out the front door. Not as if I ever would though. I'd to terrified for that.

"I'll see you later honey. Me and your father have a meeting with Terushima." She kissed my head. I nodded. They leave all the fucking time what's the damn difference.

She left my room, not even shutting the door. I hadn't really minded though, I was gonna go make myself some dinner anyway.

I watched out the window until my parents car was out of the driveway and down the street. Only then, did I move from the window and ran downstairs. The kitchen sink was full of dirty dishes. I grimaced are the sight, I hated being dirty. When I play the game, I can't have more then one soda can on my desk at a time. I don't see how Kuroo can have a million empty soda cans and three bags of chips. It just- no.

Not going to lie, I miss Kuroo so much. His laugh, his smile, his stupid selfies. Gosh my camera roll was full of him. My parents flipped when they went threw my phone after we got home that day. I cried in bed all day. I could barely move anyway. Not after what my dad did to me.

I grabbed the ramen noddles from the cabinet and a bowl as well. I filled the bowl with water then placed the noodles in. Kuroo calls me weird for putting the water in first. But my uncle use to do it that way when I was little, so it's all I know.

As soon as I placed the bowl in the microwave and pressed start, the doorbell rung. That's weird, no one ever comes over and mom and dad never lock the door. Maybe they had forgotten something.

It rang a second time so I rushed to the front door. I didn't want them to get angry with me.

"Hello?" I asked opening it. My whole body stiffened when I saw Terushima. Why the fuck was that mafia boss standing at my door. I swear to fuck if I die I'm haunting my father.

"Hello Kitty." He giggled turning to his guard for approval. Mad dog shook his head.

I opened my mouth to speak then closed it again. Only Kuroo called me kitty really. But I mean, he could watch my streams and stuff so it would make sense. But, would a person like him really watch someone like me.

Terushima coughed. "Cool so," he pushed the door further open with his foot. I stumbled back almost tripling over a pair of slippers. "No pants? Cute." He said walking in.

Mad dog shut the door behind them. Terushima nodded at him and he took off upstairs. I looked back at Terushima confused. My heart was racing.

I wiped my hands on my bare legs. Terushima smirked down at me. "Those bruises on your thighs." He said squatting down in front of me. I crossed my legs. "They from your daddy right?"

I stared at him speechless. How did he...

"Look, it wasn't hard to tell. Your fathers search history is filled with naked kids."

I shuddered and scooted back. Why can't he just leave me alone. I haven't done anything to him.

We sat silent for the longest time, Terushima even pulled out his phone and was watching Oikawas YouTube channel. I can't believe some big bad guy like him would watch a femboy bitch like Oikawa. I mean, not that I have anything against Oikawa.

He's pretty for the most part, to cocky for my liking. His voice is so whiny I could identify him from a mile away. His boyfriend is cute though. But to mean, even if he's just playing around.

"Are you seriously watching Oikawa?" Mad dog groaned coming down the stairs. Terushima looked up at him with a smirk.

"Why?" He pouted. "You jealous?"

Mad dog rolled his eyes and handed him a chip. When I took a closer look, I saw it was the chip from my computer. The one I installed to be able to easily hack anything. "H-how did you get that?"

Terushima stood up, examining the ship. "Nice find Kyo." He whispered. Mad dog elbowed him.

"I'm going to check on Lexi." He sighed before leaving my house. I stared up at Terushima.

Once again, Terushima squatted in front of me. "You don't deserve to be treated this way you know that right?" He reached forward, his thumb grazing my cheek.

I flinched slightly but stopped myself. Anytime I'd flinch with my dad, he'd just make sure it hurt worse.

"That boy, Kuroo? He cares so much for you."

My eye widen. Kuroo and I were never public about our relationship. Well, whatever we were. Still, we kept it completely to ourselves. So even if Terushima binged all of our videos we had together, he wouldn't be able to tell anything.

"He interrupted my play time to come cry about how bad he wanted to see you." Terushima dug into his coat pocket with a sigh. "But, I knew that if I sent him over here, he wouldn't leave without you."

I watched him pull out a phone. The back was rose gold. Probably one of his expensive ass products. Of course he would have it.

"Here." He held the phone in my direction. "Tell your boyfriend you are safe. Kyo is going to go through that chip of yours. We'll be back when we have evidence."

I shyly took the phone. "Are you gonna kill me?"

Terushima face fell, he actually looked sad. "No no no. Oh you poor boy." He leaned forward pulling me into his chest. He smelt amazing not going to lie. I wrapped my arms around him without thinking. I don't think I've ever truly hugged someone like this.

"Gosh sweetheart, id adopt you right now if I could. But I need your help to prove your dad is who he is first. Okay?"

I nodded into his shoulder. Mafia boss my ass, this guy is sweeter then Kuroo when he's horny.

Terushima kissed the top of my head. "If your dad tries anything to you again, tap the home button 3 times. I'll come save you."

We finally let go of each other. His thumb wiped the tear under my eye. Geez I'm such a wimp. I didn't even realize I was crying.

Terushima left shortly after. I ran upstairs quick as I could and got the phone figured out. Took me 10 minutes to figure out the password was 1111. I even got locked out at one point. But I just put my computer back together while I waited. Least he hadn't destroyed my room.

Kuroo's number was already in the phone. I opened the chat and typed a whole paragraph only to delete it immediately after. I had no clue what to say.

Well, I guess anything is better than nothing.

Kenma: hey...

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