Kenma (9)

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Y'all forgive my spelling and grammar mistakes I literally don't go back and edit before I publish oops-

-Kenma POV-

"Put you're phone down." My dad demanded and threw a suit at me. I stared at it as it fell to the floor. My dad groaned and slapped my cheek. "Pick it up dumbass."

I gulped and quickly picked up the suit. Standing up, I shoved my phone into my pocket feeling it vibrate a few times. I swear, Kuroo never shuts up. I'm not sure if I enjoy it or not. If my dad hears my phone going off to much, he'll ask questions. "What is this for?" I asked despite my feelings towards him.

I badly wanted to throw it back in his face. And then when he doesn't catch it, I'd hit him then tell him to pick it up off the floor. Oh one can only dream.

My mother came to stand next to my dad. "Those are for dinner. Hurry up and get dressed." They turned to look at each other. While they started a conversation I sneaked away to my room to get ready. As soon as I shut my door, my phone rung. I picked up quickly.

"I can't talk right now." I sorted yelled. Which is different because I don't speak up at all. But how annoying can you be? If I'm not answering then so be it. I could get in so much trouble because of him.

Even though I had thought I sounded angry, Kuroo voice came back sweet as ever. "My wittle feisty kitten huh?"

I blushed a deep read and placed my phone on the bed after putting it on speaker. "I'm busy." I grunted pulling my hoodie over my head. Once it was off, my hair came back down, falling in front of my face.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed."

"Can I see?"

I snorted zipping up my new pants. I absolutely hated them. But my dad was probably meeting with a new boss who he was going to steal a bullshit amount of money from. Actually, correction, he's gonna have ME steal the money from them. I feel bad for all of them. But I have no choice.

Kuroo pouted. "Come on, you've seen me shirtless."

I shook my head and buttoned up my shirt. "All of YouTube has seen you shirtless."


I snorted. "Well it's true."

Once again, Kuroo pouted. All I could imagine was his bottom lip puffing out and his eyes falling. Gosh that would be so damn cute. Although, I'm glad I can't see him like that because if I had, I'd probably let him rip me from all my clothes, throw me onto my bed and take me. But that's a side of me I'll probably never reveal to him. I can't...

My dad called my name from the living room in a rather angry tone. I groaned and quickly finished getting dressed then picked up my phone. "I gotta go okay? Talk to you later?"

"Of course."

I smiled and hung up slipping my phone into my pocket. When I entered the living room both my parents were waiting for me. My mother frowned at me. "God Kenma can you please try to look nice." She stepped forward and began tucking my shirt. I didn't move, my eyes focusing on the floor.

We got in the car and drove to the restaurant, my dad giving me the run down of what I needed to do. Which was basically absolutely nothing. I was only there to be their '16' year old son. It's not like I have to try to pull of a 16 year old. I mean, I'm small and always on my phone so, easy.

When we arrived, I didn't say a word. Our waiter showed us to our table. She was the same one as always. I'm sure she's noticed that I've been 16 for the past 3 years. But, she never says anything, ever. I wonder if my dad pays her off or something. Not like he tells me what he does with all the money he gets.

"Kenma, when he is here, don't be rude. Just stay on you're phone and shut the fuck up." My dad said squeezing my thigh under the table. I nodded and scooted my chair over only a bit. I'll move it more when he's not paying attention.

The restaurant was relatively nice, nothing to fancy. It was just a place where many things where going on under the tables. Drug deals, trafficking, blowjobs. I've seen it all here. Most of anyone who is here is probably into some shit or trying to figure out some shit.

As I was staring at my phone, the tabl suddenly shook. I looked up to see the man my dad was attempting to 'work' for next. He had his hair shaved on the sides and a nice blonde fluff on top. He had tattoos surrounding his neck and fingers. His lip, nose, and ears where pierced.

"Hi." He smiled at all of us giving me a second glance. He cleared his throat and threw his feet up onto the table, his boot chain jingling. I know my dad told me not to pay attention, but I couldn't stop staring. His shirt was open showing off the tattoo on his chest.

"H-hello." My dad said nervously offering him his hand. The handsome man stared at my dads hand before looking up to his right. A man stood next to him dressed in the same get up, except his shirt was closed. His guard, I'm guessing, had a lot scarier face.

I blinked down at my phone. Shit who the hell is my dad messing with?

"I'm Terushima Yuuji." He said causing me to look up. His guard was shaking my dads hand. He then moved around the table to shake mine and my mothers. His hands where rough, and without standing up, my face was right at his waist, I could make out the outline of his gun tucked into his pants.

Once his guard had made his way around the table, he made his was back over to Terushima. "This is Kyo." The guard, Kyo, hit Terushima shoulder causing him to giggle. "Oh right, sorry. This is Mad Dog."

My father nodded. "So uh..."

I turned my head to quit listening. My dads going to get himself killed. If I remember correctly, Terushima was a leader of one of the most largest companies in the world. He had all types of connections. He even had his own mafia. Last year their was a rumor that he single handily took out 5 hitman that had been set on him.

Taking in a deep breath, I looked around the restaurant. Everything was pretty normal, well until I saw Kuroo. My breath immediately stopped. It's totally him. His hair, the way he's dressed, his smile. We live in the same fucking town?! Also what is he doing here?

I watched him for some time. He was alone at the moment. I picked up my phone.

KittyGames- hey

DaddyHyena- oh hiiii
Thought you said you were going out?

KittyGames- I am. My dads meeting with his guy

DaddyHyena- missing you

KittyGames- okay sureee

He started typing then suddenly stopped. I looked up at him to see what he was doing. To my surprise, he was standing up embracing a man. My heart skipped a bit. Fuck, I'm jealous? Seriously!

The two men engaged in a conversation, Kuroo forgetting all about his phone. I wonder who he is? From this angle, I couldn't see anything besides his black hair and long neck. His neck was covered in marks and bites. Well... I was stupid to think Kuroo was single anyway.

"You look distressed." Terushima suddenly whispered into my ear. I jerked over and looked up at him. He smiled down at me from where he was sitting on top of the table.

My parents had been staring at me. I looked at each of them but Terushima grabbed my chin. "No no." He whispered inching closer to my lips. "Look at me not them." He let go of my chin and instead caressed my cheek.

"Sir, my son i-."


"But si-."

"Oh my god shut the fuck up." Terushima let go of me and looked up at his guard. His guard nodded. I gulped, watching as Terushima stood up and jumped down. "I need a drink."

His dad is messing with the WRONG person:)

Also- the version of Teru in this keishsheje
Tattoos and Piercings is a must for him. :)

Just Friends? (Kuroken/Bokuaka) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora