Bokuto (30)

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Not me not update for almost a week. I'm so sorry

It's been a really rough week.

Im okay tho I think :))

-bokuto POV-

Akaashi was asleep in the chair next to me when I woke up. I laid there silently for a long time, like a really long time. I hadn't known what to do. It took me forever to remember why I was here in the first place.

I sat up, scratching my head. My hair felt grimy and unwashed. I need a shower and like now. I looked down at the thing in my arm. I didn't know if it was drawing my blood or giving me blood, but either way I know I don't need it no more. I'm fine.

I know looked around, on the stand next to my bed, was my phone. I sighed with relief and grabbed it. I had no missed messages, or anything. I must've only been out for a short time then, otherwise, everyone totally would've texted me and shit.


Bokuto- hey

Kuroo- BO?
Wait is this aka?

Bokuto- it's me

Kuroo- OMFG
It's late as shit
Are you okay?
Your up!!
Bo I'm crying
I'm actually fucking crying

Bokuto- please don't cry

Kuroo- bo I missed you so much

Bokuto- I miss you too
Dude how long have I been out?

Kuroo- 3 weeks now


Kuroo- you sent yourself into like some weird coma?
Bo please don't ever scare me like that again

Bokuto- I won't I won't
I'm so sorry :(

Kuroo- don't be sorry it's okay it's okay..
I have so much to tell you
But I really want to hug you rn

Bokuto- come to the hospital?

Kuroo- I can't

Bokuto- why not? :(
Akaashi is here...

Kuroo- I don't want to wake kenma up.
Also yeah aka been there the whole time

Bokuto- kenma?

Kuroo- god there is so much to tell you bo

Bokuto- tmr?

Kuroo- yes yes of course
I'm coming over first thing in the morning
You get to meet kenma

Bokuto- I'm so happy for you

Kuroo- 🥺

Bokuto- ❤️🥺
I'll talk to you tmr oki

Kuroo- I love you bo

Bokuto- I love you too Kuroo

-Bokuto and Terushima Private chat-

Bokuto- hey


Bokuto- yes
Hey I gotta question

Terushima- yeah anything wassup?
Really glad you are okay

Bokuto- thank
But have you watched after my company

Terushima- naw mate
That's all akaashi, I offered him some help
But I'm not even in Japan anymore

Bokuto- damn why?

Terushima- I just need a break. Wanted to take my family away from here
So I got us a cabin outside of the city where we could be alone

Bokuto- how long you've been gone?

Terushima- 2 weeks we'll return next week maybe

Bokuto- damn
Well I just wanted to know

Terushima- np I'll see you soon bud you get better ight?

Bokuto- yeah

-End Chat-

I sighed placing my phone back onto the stand and stood up slowly. Just as I was about to rip it out of my arm, the door opened, a women walking it. "Oh! You're up?"

I glanced at Akaashi. He shivered in his sleep curling up in a ball. I looked at the nurse. "Can you get this off? I have to pee."

She opened her mouth to speak, closed it an glanced down at her papers before staring back up at me. "Y-yes. Sorry..."

"Don't worry." I whispered shaking my head. "Also, I need clothes. I'm taking a shower."

"S-sir... you can't leave you know?"

I groaned watching her as she pulled the tape off my arm. "Well then get me a new gown and change my sheets, I'm taking a shower regardless."

She gulped and backed up after she was done. What the fuck is this chicks problem? Weird.

I nodded for her to leave. She glanced at Akaashi and quickly scurried out of the room. I sighed and went to the bathroom, turning on the hot water. I dropped the gown to the floor shivering from the cold air.

The hot water on my skin felt strange yet beautiful at the same time. I leaned my hands on the wall, the water falling onto my head of hair and dripping to my fave then down the drain.

For some reason, I started to think about that night. The night before I overdosed. Fuck why did I even do that in the first place? It's still so blurry.

I remember Akaashi and I, at a party with Teru. And then all of a sudden I remember Akaashi finding me with a women and screaming and crying at me. And then that's it. The rest is all blank. Fuck I hope I didn't hurt him to bad....


I lifted my head up and looking out the curtain, Akaashi stood at the bathroom door, his eyes tired and hair messy. He looked almost as bad as me.

"Come here." I stuck a hand out to him. He hesitated before he started stripping his clothes. I smirked turning back to the water and tanning a hand through my hair pushing it back. Akashi stepped in behind me. I faced him, his cheeks pink and his eyes teary.

I placed a hand on his cheek. He leaned into it. "I'm glad you're okay." He sniffled, choking back a sob. I pulled him into my chest. He looked up at me, his lip quivering.

"What's wrong princess?"

He blink, tears falling down his cheeks. "You don't remember anything that happened?"

I wiped away his tears, my heart wrenching. I must've done something really bad to him. Unless he's that upset that I had women around me?

Shaking my head I leaned down kissing away his tears. He pushed his hair back, shivering when the water hit his back. The water wasn't cold, to me anyway.

"I told you I love you..." he cried burying his face in my chest. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall in love. I'm so so sorry..." 

I swallowed. Fuck...

"I know you don't feel the same I'm sorry. Can you just pretend I hadn't said anything? Please?"

I stroked his back softly. I love him, I do. So why the fuck would I tell him I didn't? What was I doing?


He shook his head looking up at me. "Please... I don't want to stop working with you."

I sighed. Whatever the reason was, fuck it. I'll deal with it later.

"I love you princess." I put both my hands on his cheeks. "I love you so much. I've always loved you."

Soooo anyone wanna guess why Bokuto said no that night? ;)

I just came up with it now.

Just Friends? (Kuroken/Bokuaka) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora