Bokuto (47)

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-4 Years Later-

Really thought I wasn't gonna write an epilogue?? LMAO
It kinda sucks tho :/ but haha READ THE NOTES AT THE END!!!

-Bokuto POV-

I lifted Kenma onto my shoulders, laughing when he  started yelling at me to put him down. Kuroo stood from the table and held his arms up. "Come here kitty." Kenma quickly reached for Kuroos arms, wrapping himself around him once he was down. I sighed, he's no fun.

I glanced over at Akaashi. He was standing next to his brother, the two of them talking up a storm. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Akaashi, pouting into his ear. He elbowed me, never pausing his conversation with Konoha.

In his defense, they haven't seen each other for awhile. Daishou travels a lot for work and Konoha always follows. Which in turn, means Akaashi doesn't get to see his brother as often as he'd probably like. I heard Daishou took over Terushimas company, but the change was so subtle that barely anyone noticed. Everyone is still searching for Teru and his husband and their daughter.

Daishou came downstairs, smiling wide grabbing Konoha by the hips and whispering something into Konoha ear. Konoha turned to look at him shocked. "Really?!" When Daishou nodded, Konoha hopped into his arms hugging him tightly. Daishou laughed kissing his boyfriends cheek.

Akaashi turned and looked back at me curiously. I shrugged, spinning Akaashi around till he was facing me. Leaning down, I brought my lips close to his ear, whispering, "Will you wrap around me like that?" I asked. He put his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"Later." He winked letting go of me going to sit at the table next to Kenma. I frowned, about to sit next to Kuroo when the doorbell rang. I offered to go get it, Konoha thanking me.

When I opened the door, Terushima and Kyoutani stood, there daughter standing in the middle of them. I bent down to see her at her level. I haven't seen her in forever, gosh she's gotten so cute.

"Hi," I said holding out my arms. "Do you remember me?"

Lexi wrapped an arm around Kyoutani leg and held onto Terushima's pant leg with the other. I sighed and stood back up. Terushima laughed. "Long time no see Bo, how's it?"

I hugged Terushima then moved to Kyoutani but he just shook his head and leaned back. Still not big on physical contact unless it's from his husband I see. I invited them in and shut the door. It was cold outside, one of the coldest days of the year. I love when it's cold. Means Akaashi stays connected to my hip at night because of how cold it is.

Kyoutani took off Lexi's coat and hung it on the coat rack before picking her up and walking into the kitchen. Terushima and I followed, Teru poking his husband back to move faster. Annoyed, Kyo turned around and punched his shoulder. Terushima pouted, Lexi laughed.

After awhile of all of us talking in the kitchen, Konoha kicked all the tops out. I tried to convince Akaashi to come with me but he said no, that he wanted to spend time with his friends.

"Well, now that the twinks kicked us out. What should we do?" Terushima said hands in his pockets.

"I heard that Yuuji!" Kyoutani yelled from beyond the door. We all snickered and scurried our way into the living room. Lexi happened to follow us, holding Daishous hand. My heart hurt with jealousy. Can't believe she remembers him but not me.

Just Friends? (Kuroken/Bokuaka) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt