Bokuto (10)

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Bokuto- do you need me to pick you up?

Akaashi- no I can get a ride it's okay
I've just never been to
Whatever the restaurant is called
It's a weird name

Bokuto- lol
It means dealer In Chinese

Akaashi- like

Bokuto- a lot of illegal shit goes on there
But it's also a place big companies meet and make deals

Akaashi- illegal deals?

Bokuto- if you make it illegal

Akaashi- so why are we going?

Bokuto- because the food is really good

Akaashi- ...

Bokuto- I also got word Terushima was gonna be there

Akaashi- like Yuuji Terushima
That mafia leader

Bokuto- that's just a rumor

Akaashi- it cant be a rumor if it's true

Bokuto- yeah yeah but I wanted to see if he could help me
With the Kozume case
Ya know?

Akaashi- ah..
why do I need to be there?

Bokuto- because you're my right hand man

Akaashi- oh
Well then why is Kuroo coming?

Bokuto- Keiji you ask so many questions

Akaashi- me akaashi....

Bokuto- no because calling you Keiji makes you blush

Akaashi- shut up it does not

Bokuto- make me

Akaashi- ...

Bokuto- see you soon handsome

Akaashi- pfft...

-Bokuto POV-

Kuroo and Akaashi were already at the restaurant and engaged in a conversation. I'm really glad those too get along as much as they do. Akaashi's not good with people so I was scared he wasn't going to even try to be friends with Kuroo. But after Kuroo had caught him that time in our kitchen, the two hit it off and now can talk normally.

According to Akaashi, Kuroo has gone to him about his little Kitty. He wanted Akaashi to look into finding out the youtubers real name and where he lives. Akaashi came to me about it and I told him to go ahead and look for something. After all, I don't need my best friend falling for some jackass.

I don't think he's found anything yet, but if there is something to find, Akaashi will find it. That's why I hired his smart ass. Also cause he's hot and amazing at sex. But that's just a plus.

As I was walking over to the table, I noticed the man I had come here looking for. Terushima mother fucking Yuuji. He was sitting at a table with a family, his feet propped up and a beer in his hands. That family look normal, they had no idea what they were getting into especially with a daughter that looks the age of 16. Well from behind anyway.

As I walked past their table, Terushima looked up at me holding his beer up and winking. His guard eyed me suspiciously. I offered them both a smile and nodded toward my table.

Terushima and I met in college. He was a dropout selling drugs to the kids on campus. We became fast friends, along with Kuroo and Oikawa. Oikawa had some friends that were in the weed selling business with him but I didn't want to be involved in that so I tried to stay away.

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