Because of Fate

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NINETEEN | Wooyoung's P.O.V

(A week later)

It was a day before the Halloween party, and all I could think of is how much I did not want to go because of Jaebeom. Who was also still living with San and I by the way. Jaebeom and San have been getting closer and closer since we got back from the hotel that day, and it has been extremely agonizing to witness. I know San would never cheat on me, but still it was annoying. Since school was dreadful, and so was life now I decided not to go to school and skip. I put on a pair of ripped black jeans along with yellow and white tie dye jean jacket that I tucked in slightly, along with a pair of black doth martens to top it off. Acting as if I was going to leave for school, I walked downstairs and saw Jaebeom and San talking and laughing AGAIN. Rolling my eyes in pure disgust I walked out the door, ignoring them but more so San than Jaebeom. Getting in the car I started driving, but I had no destination and not a care in my body to have one either. I had BTS on shuffle and tried to use that to help me cope with all the shit that was going on. Instantly snapping out of my zone I felt a buzz and then two more. 2 unread messages from Sannie😍, 1 Unread from message Yunho😜🤞, and 1 Unread message from Yeosang😇. 5 Missed calls from Sannie😍.



Delivered 8:35am
Are you okay, where are you? Why did you ignore me all morning, I wanted to show you some affection and you just left? As if you did not walk past me.

Delivered 9:35am
Where the hell are you? Why aren't you answering my calls? I called you 5 times.


Delivered 9:45 am
Dude why weren't you in first?


Delivered 9:50 am
Woo you still coming to the party tonight? I thought we were going to go to Mingi's house after school together?


Looking at the messages I put my phone on do not disturb and turned up my music. I laid back down and thought about everything that was going on. I was immediately dragged out of my thoughts when I heard a car pull up next to mine. Sitting up I heard footsteps come towards me which made me snap my head back in slight panic.

"I can't believe you still come here. It felt like it was just yesterday when we came here together." I heard him utter, imagining the smile plastered on his face.

Turning around I felt more irritation than I did before which felt impossible a few minutes ago, "what are you doing here?"

"I always come here. I never stopped. No matter how messed up things got between us." He admitted, letting out a sigh in the process.

"Crazy. I always come here, and never ran into you once. Why have I run into you now?" I asked, curious as to why of all days did, I must see him today.

As he came to sit by me, confusion struck my mind. What does he want from me? Why is he even here right now? "What do you want Seonghwa?"

"I miss you Woo, and I miss talking to you. I owe you a sincere apology. I was wrong especially for what happened that day. I saw you that day, and I did not care or have the decency to stop. That was such a asshole move to make. I could not imagine the trust issues I created for you, and the effect it must have on you. I know this is not something you would want to hear, but I really thought I loved Hongjoong. He made me feel a way I have never felt before in my life. You were special to me too, and I should have broken up with you ahead of time, but I started to believe we were better off friends than a couple. You would yell at me 24/7 for something simple, and damn near flirt with other guys in my face. It is not an excuse, that is the last thing I will give you. However, I do feel like we just jumped into a relationship without taking in consideration our friendship, and the stuff we already knew about each other." He grabbed my small hands taking it into his big ones.

All I could do in this moment was look at him. Being friends with him for almost five years I could tell his apology and statement was sincere. He would never say that much, not come towards me if he did not mean what he was about to say.

Still unsure about completely trusting him ever again, even as a friend, I brushed it off and decided to worry about it later. Smiling at him, and I pulled him into a nice warm hug. Which was much needed in this cold weather. "You might have been an extremely trash boyfriend, but you're right we were so much better as friends."

"See told you it was fate. Now tell me why you are out here anyway, you never use to come out here unless you needed to release some anger or unless we you know needed time alone." We both laid back, and I rested my head on his shoulders ready to blow off steam.

"Well you know I'm with Sannie recently his ex came back to town , who I also find out is Yunho's old friend apparently, and he's been living with us since and it's highly annoying. I understand that his mom died, but I have never seen such a "devastated and grief filled" person be so energetic and consumed with laughter 24/7. It is highly agonizing, everyday all I hear is San cracking jokes or telling him a funny situation that happened at work. Guess who is eating that shit right up, JAEBEOM!!! Like why is he even still here? San and I barely spend time with each other anymore. We do not do anything; he spends all his time with Jaebeom and making him feel better. Then the guys all agree that I am thinking with my dick and not with my heart. Which is so false because even if I were not basically fiending for San right now, I would still strongly dislike Jaebeom. He treated San like shit, and repeatedly did so at that. Uggh!" I let out all my emotions, and I honestly felt a little better.

"I get what you're saying because I wouldn't know how I would react if Hongjoong allowed his ex to live in his house, and it prevented me from continuing to go over there. Well now that I think about that is partly why we broke up anyway." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I live there too, so it's a bit different." I stressed, causing Seonghwa to look at me with a worried expression.

"Did something happen with your dad again? Did he hit you?!" He suddenly became infuriated, and his fist were already balled up.

Besides San and Yunho, Seonghwa is the only person that knows about my dad abusing. Yunho found out because one day when I was at his house, and my dad came to pick me up he saw Yunho kiss me on the cheek and hug me goodbye. My dad being homophobic, got out the car beat me to the point where I fainted. All I know is I woke up with an intense headache and burn marks on me from getting dragged on the ground. After I snapped back, I realized I was in Yunho's room, and I stayed there with him for about a week. Seonghwa found out because he went through my phone and saw the messages. I ran to Seonghwa's house before he could hit me though. He was also my escape route, every time my dad would do something, he would come pick me up or let me stay with him for a few weeks. Also, why no one has bothered to contact me because me leaving after something that drastic was the norm.

"Yeah, but I don't want to talk about it if that's okay." I mumbled, not wanting to relive that day not one bit.

"Of course, Woo, you know that's more than okay." He pulled me into a hug, and I could not help but cry.

For the next two hours we went on like that, talking and crying even screaming. By the time I got to the house it was 9pm and Sannie and Jaebeom were both gone. Where the fuck could he have gone with him?!

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