Mr. Choi (PART 2)

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T W O | Wooyoung's P.O.V.

"Mr. Jung!" I heard him yell slightly.

Feeling a hard nudge in my shoulder, I instantly opened my eyes feeling stares from everyone.

Did I just moan out loud in my sleep in front of the whole class?!

* * *
I instantly shot my head up, and realized it was all just a dream and I possibly could've moaned in front of the entire class. I turned my head towards Yeosang who was already looking at me with wide eyes.

"Wooyoung." Mr. Choi said in an annoyed yet concerned voice.

"S-sir?" I questioned as I turned my attention towards him.

I could tell I was frustrating, more than actually intended on doing. I instantly wanted to curse at myself because of my lack of self-control. Like really dreaming about Mr. Choi in the middle of class, and now it's possible that everyone heard me moan in my sleep. He took a deep breath and tilted his head back and ran his fingers through his hair. He got a slip from his clipboard, and handed it to me without any explanation.

"What's this?" I asked, suddenly feeling a pit in my stomach.

Ignoring my question he proceeded to stand behind, and give out instructions about homework as the bell rang.

"Everyone can leave for lunch except Jung Wooyoung-" he began as he turned towards me. "I need to speak with you if you don't mind."

"Of course not." I mumbled.

At this point everyone was gone, and it was just Mr. Choi and I. I tried not to think of the events that occurred in my dream, but it was very hard considering this is how it started off. Looking at Mr. Choi who was now standing in front of me I felt a burning sensation in my cheeks. I bent my head as I felt myself begin to blush. As soon as I did I felt his hand cuff my chin, and I was now looking into his dreamy dark brown eyes. My rosy heat filled cheeks now became more visible to him due the chills that cascaded down my back.

"Tell me about what had you so distracted from my class. So distracted were you also to the point where you fall asleep in my class." he demanded.

Not being able to actually tell him specifically what I dreamed about I lied, "I-I d-don't know."

"Wooyoung...I heard what you said, but considering the situation we are in I won't repeat it. However, I do want to know what made you think about me in that way." He stated with a blank facial expression.

All I could feel was sheer embarrassment, and all I wanted to do now was disappear. I felt an extreme amount of heat rise to my cheek, and since his hand was still grasping my chin I looked to the side in order to avoid eye contact. He let go, and walked towards his desk.

"You'll need to come to my class every day Tuesday-Friday after school. That's a slip giving details on what we will be doing, and how long you'll be staying in for. You don't need to show your parents that's your personal slip. I sent your parents a summarized email on why and when you'll be staying after school. You're free to go now since lunch will be over soon." He explained.

I forgot all about lunch and my friends. Though I was consumed with embarrassment, I felt sad about leaving.

"What is your next period?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"English, but since we took a test there yesterday that lasted the whole period we're having a free study period." I specified.

"Well you can stay in here if you want, I'll email Mr. Kim and see if it's alright with him." he offered.

Dumbfounded at his sudden request I nodded slightly, and smiled to myself. I know I should be scared to even think about him or look at him, but everything about him was calling my name. Just like a ship sailing swiftly in the sea before a storm break out. His voice was like honey, so sweet with a hint of bitterness. The way his hair fell in front of his eyes just now made me want nothing, but to to gently move it back. Not to mention the way his eyebrows scrunched up while emailing Mr. Kim, or how his eyes showed so much focus and dedication. I couldn't help, but fall into his alluring trance. Hearing a snicker coming from Mr. Choi's direction I was dragged out of my thoughts. I couldn't help, but notice how cute his laugh was. It wasn't loud and obnoxious, it too was like honey. Warm soothing honey, and just that was enough to welcome me back into his aura. He was so captivating to the point where just hearing his name could send me spiraling.

"You're doing it again." I looked up, and his eyes were glued to mine.

Realizing that I was staring at him the entire time I instantly snapped out of it.

"I-I' m s-s-sorry." I stuttered.

He got up from his chair, and began to walk towards me.

"If it's okay with you I want to continue what we started." He suggested as he sat in a chair across from me.


Continue what we started? Is he talking about when he asked me what I dreamed about? Cause I can't possibly tell him that, I would literally die of humiliation.

"I'm curious to what I do to make you lose your focus so frequently." He said as he laid back in the chair, and ran his fingers through his hair.

Even though this isn't my dream I was starting to feel how I felt throughout the dream. Intrigued, Desire, Embarrassment, and of course aroused. Tried so hard to suppress those feelings, but every time I think about the thought of Mr. Choi touching me in that way excited me. The fact that he's aware of the affect he has of me isn't exactly helping. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath completely prepared to humiliate myself. The way I see is, if I just admit it then it will all be over, and I can stop feeling so weak when it came to him. Before I could utter a single word I felt a pair very soft plum lips press passionately against mine.

Choi San P.O.V.

Looking at how flustered he got I couldn't believe the effect I had on him. I couldn't completely comprehend the feeling that was forcing itself on me, but I didn't exactly like it. He's your student. Even telling myself that I still was not able to take my eyes off the small black haired boy in front of me. As he closed his eyes I starred at those dangerous pink lips, and instantly pressed mine against them.  I wanted nothing than to do things I knew was not okay to ever do to someone who was your student, but it was something about Wooyoung that was so captivating. I felt him get closer which made the kiss deeper than I expected. No longer being in my right I grabbed his waist , and pushed him even closer leaving not a inch between us. Are tongues danced passionately with each other as if this was something we've been waiting for since forever. Jung Wooyoung what are you doing to me?

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