Your Home

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NINE| San's P.O.V

After letting the students go for lunch I couldn't help, but worry about Wooyoung. Where was he? Is he okay? I hope this was just one of his little games, and that he was just late to be late. However, as soon as I heard my door knob twist open I was greeted by assumptions. Blood dripping from his nose, his eyes barely open and highly bruised face, and his limp that seemed even worse than yesterday. What happened? I stared at with concern, and quickly rushed to his side as I saw his eyes closing and his body no longer staying up and balanced. Catching him before his body hit the floor, I quickly carried him out my classroom and outside to my car. As I placed him in the passenger seat, I made sure it was leaned back so he wouldn't lean forward and hit his head on the dashboard. I quickly ran back into the school, and let the office know that I was taking off for the rest of the day due to a family emergency. Lucky none of my classes had any actual assignments which meant they could use it as an extra study hall. I hurried back to the car, but was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Mr. Choi!"

Turning around I mentally rolled my eyes, "Park Seonghwa. I was just on my way out, but if it won't take long how may I help you?" I smiled politely, even though it was killing me on the inside.

"I wanted to know when exactly do you hold your tutoring sessions? I would like to attend, but if you don't I would prefer if it could be occasionally private because I can't work well with others."

I wanted to view that as a lie just so I wouldn't have to spend extra time with him, but as a teacher I couldn't allow my personal feelings to interfere with my work. I know that his grades are slipping, and that he isn't actually quite confident around others when it comes to working out problems on the board or showing his capability.

"Um of course come by my class starting next week, Tuesdays from 3 to 4:30. I'm sorry, but I'm really in a rush right now so I have to email you the rest of the information. " I informed as I jogged my way to the car.

I immediately ran to the car not forgetting about Wooyoung who was nearly covered in blood and bruises. As soon as I got to the car I leaned over towards Wooyoung who was still passed out, then proceeded to check his pulse and temperature. His temperature was very warm, but his pulse was quite normal.

Driving almost over the speed limit I looked at Wooyoung who was scrunching up his eyebrows, and slightly moving his head.

"Hey! Baby. Are you okay?!" I stared at him, no response?

Making it to my house about five minutes later, I rushed to the passenger side and opened the door. Walking to the door with Wooyoung in my arms (bridal style) I panically entered the password into the keypad, bust open the door and laid Wooyoung the couch. I loosened his tie, and took off his blazer and shoes making him as comfortable as I could.

Walking to the bathroom I looked in the closet for the first-aid kit, once I found it I walked to Wooyoung's side got out some hydrogen peroxide to put on the scares on his face. Lightly damping the scar on his left cheek, I took the time to admire his features from the bridge of his nose to his chin. Even though his eyes were closed I still could his big brown looking up at me. His jawline was so sharp, which was one of my favorite parts about his facial expression. Then you had his highly-rise cheekbone which topped it off for me. Not to forget his beautiful plum lips I couldn't stop starring at daringly. Man I love him. Wait did I just say that?

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