New Boyfriends and Exs

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SEVEN | Wooyoung's P.O.V

"Wooyoung...come on baby wake up. It's 6:45." I heard a voice say energetically, but I was way too tired to comprehend what was going on or my surroundings.

"One more hour. Please." I mumbled while turning over, suddenly hitting my arm on a hard chest?

I fluttered my eyes open slowly, taking in the white led lighting that covered the room. As I opened my eyes fully I came in contact with Mr. Choi. Not believing that I actually forgot about last night for a second I instantly sat up, and attempted to get up but a sharp pain struck inside me. Hissing at the pain nearly crying at how bad it hurt, I sat back down. I looked at Mr. Choi who was looking at me with a lot concern.

"What's wrong? Can you not walk?" He asked with frowned up eyebrows.

"It hurts. Like really bad." I whined, still feeling the after affect of me attempting to walk a couple of minutes ago. "Mr. Choi what do I do?"

"Well obviously I'm not having you go to school in this state, so you can stay here. I'll be getting off at 4 because of a teacher conference. Food is obviously in the fridge and in the pantry...umm help yourself, nothing is off limits. You can take a shower or a bath, and sweats are in the second drawer, shirts in the third, and hoodies are in the closet. Also please call me San outside of school." He explained while putting on a suit, minus the blazer.

I nodded showing I understood what he was saying. After grabbing his suitcase he made his way over to me, and kissed my forehead and then kissed my lips softly. We both smiled, and he made his way downstairs and left. Laying back in the bed I tried to force myself to go back to sleep, but the events of last night started to replay in my head. Damn we really kept it going for 4 rounds. He must be really exhausted. I sighed, and got up instantly groaning at the pain. Walking to the bathroom I walked to the bathtub, and turned on the hot water also pouring in some Dr. Teals bubble bath. I took off my clothes, and put on his black robe then went downstairs to the kitchen in order to make me some green tea. After three minutes I went back upstairs with my cup of tea, and got in the bathtub instantly feeling relaxed.

After staying in the bathtub for an hour I put on one of San's black long sleeves shirts and grey sweats. I walked downstairs, and looked in the pantry and decided to go with spicy chicken flavored ramen. Just as I was about to boil the water I heard the doorbell ring, and a knock at the door. Quickly walking to the door, I opened it and saw a guy standing there who was maybe in their twenties.

"Hey, is San home?" He asked his voice sound a little demanding.

"Um no, he's at work but I can tell him you stopped by if you want. Though come to think of it he didn't say anyone should be stopping by so who exactly are you?" I questioned as I looked him up and down.

"Park Jaebeom...San's boyfriend." He smiled gently. Stepping away from the door he stopped, "Tell him Im worried about him, and he should pick up his phone. Thank you!"

Struggling to return a genuine smile, I looked stepped and closed the door trying not react in a way I know wouldn't be effective. I presumed cooking the ramen, and decided to binge watch Crash Landing On You until San got here.

Before I knew it 4:30 was already here which means San should be pulling up in no time. As if I spoke too soon I could the pin being entered on the keypad, notifying me that he's here.

"Miss me?" He smirked while coming in throwing his briefcase on the nearest table.

"So when were you going to tell me you had a boyfriend?" I blurted my words spitting out like poison.

"What are you talking about...I do not have-" he tried to explain, but I got fed up with people lying to me.

"Bullshit! I'm sick and tired of being the second option. First Seonghwa who cheated on me with Mr. Kim, and now you with this guy. Like really we spent a whole night, and you know how I feel about you. Why would you do this to me?" I asked feeling the rage filling up inside me.

"Mr. Kim....? No we'll talk about that later. But what makes you think that I have a boyfriend?" He questioned as confusion, but also concern cast over his face.

"Jaebeom! Yeah he came by today while you were gone, asking where you were and asking me to tell you to call him!" I yelled as tears fled from my eyes.

"Baby, you have it all wrong. He's just an ex. He probably just said that because he was jealous when he saw you, and put two and two together. Cause literally I have no other friends except Hongjoong and he knows how he looks. He just said that to get you upset, but like I promise you he's just an ex. Please believe." He expressed while coming over to me, and holding my hands.

Pulling my hands away, I found it very difficult for me to believe what he said. I wanted to believe him, but my past experiences told me otherwise. Even though I knew past experiences shouldn't be brought into new relationships or whatever this was it was hard to turn over a new leaf as if nothing happened.

Sighing he looked at me and pulled out his phone, "Go through everything. I don't care...whatever it takes for you to believe me."

Gladly taking it and looking through it I saw that everything he was say was true. The last time he talked to his ex was about 5 months ago, and that was telling him about how hurt he was that he cheated on him and that it was over. The calls were also 5 months ago, and he blocked him on all social media accounts. Immediately feeling a little bad, but not all the way I turned to him and told him sorry.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you." I smiled sheepishly.

"I didn't honestly expect you to. We only spent a night together, and though that night was the most amazing night I've ever had in a long time, I don't expect you to trust me right away." He said while comforting me.

He pulled me into hug and then sat me on the couch, " Now tell me about this thing between your ex and Mr. Kim." He asked in a serious tone.

For a second I was unsure if I should tell him, considering that the topic was serious but a I told him anyway. I told him about our twisted fate, and how he was technically my rebound even if it didn't feel that way after a while. His expression was nothing familiar, it was consumed with anger.

"Calm down! On the bright side I got to meet, and be with you." I reassured him, trying to calm him down.

"I'm going to kill him. Who the fuck does he think he is...hurting you like that." He growled, his face becoming a light pink.

"I'm okay, It's okay." I tried to convince him.

"Yeah because you have me now, and I'll never do any to intentionally hurt you. I promise." He promised.

He scooted closer to me, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

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