Readers Oneshots?

Start from the beginning

Fox's Request
George came to standing in the middle of his bedroom, he had no idea how he got there. His head was really killing him but right before collapsing on his bed he saw a flash of blue at the window. It cudnt be. He stumbled over to the window and saw his bluejay sitting on the sill. George glared at it. "Wher da hell didu go Iwas worED." It just chirped at him and fluttered off to a tree by his house. "OI!" George clumsily climbed out the window onto the flat part of his roof. "Git bac her wha da fuk u doin?" He reached out to the branch it was on but the bird flew down to a bush in his yard. "Owh fuk." George tried to carefully drop down from the roof but he fell into a bush and his ankle hurt, a lot. Scratched all over the place, George got out of the bush. He followed the bird, stumbling a lot because his head hurt and so did his ankle now, but he couldn't lose the bird again. After a second he stopped and blinked. It was gone. Then he felt a weight on his head and saw blue feathers in his face. Oh. It just perched on his head. He reached up to pat it but it flew up and he didn't see where it went. He was tired so he decided to sit down right where he was. Which was in someone's lawn. Where was he? "George?" A familiar voice asked hesitantly from the rectangle of light that was the front door. Oh. This is Clay's house.

George groggily got up, his head hurt like hell. "Ughhh... waw th-?" I groaned, why did everything feel like it was spinning? Why did my head feel like it was going to split? I looked around the unfamiliar room. It was a light blue, though everything felt like it was spinning. A small knocking on glass perked the drunk Georgies interest. "Birdddeeeee?" I clambered over to the closed window. The jay just ruffled its feathers in return; I grunted as I tried to open the window. "George?" I looked at the person who said my name, the bird looked over and flew away. "Awwwww birboooooo!" I whined. Grain just shook his head, a small smile spawned on his face. "You okay George?" He asked. "Yeah! But I'm hungrrryyyyy, do you have anything- Owwwww!" I complained, the headache was almost unbearable. As soon as Grian heard my cries from pain he was by my side in a second. "George, you should probably go to sleep," He said in a soothing voice. "Bu Iwanna Clayyyyyy!" I whined, as I basically face planted into the bed I was originally on. Grian's face darkened, "He's not here though," Grian tried his best to, to make it seem like everything was ok, to make it seem like nothing happened. He couldn't tell George what happened, not yet. "I'll let you sleep," Grian said, lifting himself off the bed and walking out. He turned off the lights before going back to whatever he was doing, quiet whispers from the other room were heard.
. . .
George tried to sleep, he just couldn't. The familiar tapping occurred, George's eyes shot up in excitement. Not everything was dizzy, only certain stuff but that didn't stop him from going to the window to see the lovely bluejay. I thought for a moment, before figuring out how to open the annoying window. "Hiiii!" I said quietly, the jay just responded by flying off. "Wai-!" I tumbled out of the window, and down onto a bush. Luckily the room was on the first floor. After getting untangled I followed the bird. Its blue splashed colored wings and the tweets told me where to go, I laughed like a child this was fun. I thought to myself before tripping on something. I yelled, falling face flat onto the ground. I looked up, a warm wet feeling spread along my legs, my knees stung. The bird was nowhere to be seen, "Birdyyyyyy?" I whined, my heart was pumping from the running I had done. "I'll just wait for Dreeamiii," I said, finally giving in to my slight headache and the curse of sleepiness.

Grian's pov
I was silently watching as george woke up from him being blacked out at my house.
mumbo was watching the tv as it was playing some type of soccer game i've never seen before, after we got home from school.
as george opened his eyes he looked around sickly as if he was to be watching someone die in front of him, he sat straight up and looked me dead in the eyes
-"Where is your bathroom?!"
-"that door, over by the hallway"
he quickly ran in the direction i was roughly pointing at and made a dash for it.
I heard the door violently slam shut followed by retching in what I can assume was in the sink or toilet. mumbo looked up at me with pure confusion
-"what was that?"
- "i don't know, i guess he's having a hangover from that one party"
-"but that wasn't that last thursday or friday?"
-"i think so but, he hasn't woke up sense we took him here so he might have gotten knocked out or something idk"
we were interrupted by the mess of a human being known as george opening the door and looking like he wanted to die right then and there. he apologized and said he would drive back home but, mumbo remind him that we carried him home after we found him lying in a room after we saw a group of students leaving with clay.
george's eyes shot open as it looked as he just remembered what happened at the party.
Me and mumbo felt bad as at we saw george confess and clay looked like he would kill george and himself.
-"did i say it, you know like confess at the party??"
-"yes, and a few kids got it on camera" (mumbo)
-"no no no it can't be, i , i *sniffle* i'm, i, can't, i"
-"calm down george, we can work this out okay" (i said)
I watched as the boy sat on the ground, curled up into a ball and softly sobbed into his knees
mumbo left the room and returned with a blanket for him and wrapped it around george, turned the tv to a lower volume and put the remote down.
-"do you know where my phone is?"
-"yes, here you go..." (mumbo)
-"no, i, just"
At this point he broke into pure crying as he stared at his phone, quietly admitting the sound of the video that was recorded at the party. I moved to him and gently pulled the phone out of his hands and set it on the ground
-"clay wanted to see and talk to you" (i said)
-"he hates me i know it, me and my stupid gay ass, and the rest of my ugly body"
-"no, no, no, listen, he has been calling, texting you, and visited our house an hour ago" (i said)
I never knew he body shamed himself or was so talkative before this confirmation with me
-"when-- when should i talk to him"
-"as soon as you feel ready" (mumbo)
<20 minutes later>
-"alright, he is on his way here" (mumbo)
-"Cool, ready george?"
-"uhm, yeah sure" (he said with pure sadness)
*the door opened*

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