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‘So what do we do now?’ Niall asks, not specifically to anyone. I took care of Louis’ scratches and was now busy with handling the blood on his forehead. It isn’t as bad as it seemed at first. It just needs some time to heel.

‘Niall, put the speaker off for a minute.’ I hear Zayn answer. And I raise my brows without looking up. Well, obviously I’m not allowed to hear whatever they are saying.

I’m planning on listening to Niall’s answers and try to make out what they are talking about, until Louis interrupts my intentions. ‘He likes you too, you know.’ And when I look at his face, I see him grinning. ‘Every action he does is just because he likes you, don’t forget that.’

‘I’m not so sure about that though.’

He rolls his eyes at my statement. ‘It’s obvious though. I’m with him most of the time. I’m not going to tell you that he’s talking about you, 24/7. But I see him change.’ Louis’ blue eyes are so bright and friendly looking, I didn’t notice it when they entered. It was only now, while I was cleaning his head wound, that I realized this was a way too friendly looking man to be a thief.

He could be a teacher though. Somehow I saw a teacher in him. ‘He’s going to kill me for this, but… Zayn didn’t have the best past. He didn’t have the nicest family. And that is the big reason why he ended up where he is now. For him to have found someone who he actually likes, considering his past of not trusting anyone, is a big thing.’

‘He pushes me away lot of the time though.’ I mutter, trying not to show how excited I am about Louis telling me something about Zayn.

‘Only because he doesn’t want to lose you.’

‘But he loses me if he cuts me out!’

‘Yes. But only for the better.’ Louis eyes look serious now. ‘You know, Evelyn. In places like ours, being alive and being dead lie practically next to each other. If he’s reckless with you, people die. And whether he wants to admit it or not, he’s only afraid of three people dying: me, you and Niall, although he won’t admit the last one.’ We quickly glance at Niall, who’s still talking to Zayn. ‘When he pushes you away, it only means that he’s afraid. And even though it means he has to cut you out of his life, he still knows you are here somewhere. And that’s much better then dead.’

I stare at Louis for a while, trying to take in his words. And just before I want to say something, I hear Niall’s voice interrupt.

‘Yeah, sure.’ He answers while handing my phone to me. ‘He wants to speak to you, Evelyn.’ Niall says and I stare at the phone for a couple of seconds before I take it from him. I place the phone to my ear, ready to be the only one hearing Zayn’s voice.  

‘I’m here.’

‘Okay, go to your room and close the door, Evelyn.’ He orders instantly.

‘What?! Now?’

‘Yes, now, please.’

I frown, while standing up from the sofa, walking to my bedroom, leaving the two lads on their own.

‘You’re alone now?’ He immediately asks, leaving no second in between.

‘I am.’

‘Okay look…’ He starts, again, speaking faster than he normally would. It makes me nervous. ‘I’m not coming anymore. It’s not safe for you, nor me, nor Louis or Niall. This has gotten way out of hand and I’m not letting it get even more crazy then it should be.’ I want to tell him to stop but I can’t because I know he won’t listen. He made this decision even before the phone call. I can feel it. And maybe it is because of Louis’ words that I actually feel prepared for this conversation.

‘And there will be no following, no calling. I know you have my number now, but I don’t want you to use it, ever.’


‘No buts. That’s it. This is it. Just act like it never happened. And-…’

‘What if I need you?’ I interrupt him speaking.

It silences him for a moment. But after he gathers himself, he answers with no compassion in his voice. ‘You don’t need me. You are brave… You don’t need anyone.’

‘Being brave has nothing to do with needing someone.’ I fill him in.

He sighs before he speaks and I can just see him shake his head while saying his words. ‘Being brave is about doing what you are afraid of. And you do that. You do it every time. You look your killer right in the eye. You don’t call the police on him. You stitch his bullet wound. You follow him around. You let in his so called friends you don’t even know about. And now I need you to be brave and not contact him again, although you are afraid of needing him. But you don’t need him, not in the slightest even.’

I swallow, feeling stupid tears sting in my eyes. ‘You are not my killer!'

‘You know what I mean, Evelyn.’ He groans and I hear he finds this almost as difficult as I. ‘I could be… And this even has nothing to do with it anymore. It’s getting out of hand. I don’t have the control anymore. Niall and Louis know. Harry knows about me. God knows who else. I’m not taking any risks anymore.’

I try my best to not cry, because I’m sure he’ll hear it and I just don’t want to sounds so weak.

‘Just promise me one thing.’ He says when I don’t reply. One single tear rolls down my cheek and I frantically wipe it away, because I don’t want to feel them. I don’t want to feel the tears that tell me this twisted thing is over. Because I like this thing so incredibly much.

And then I hear his voice continue. ‘Just promise me that you’ll call Harry. And you ask him to stay over for a week. According to Louis no one followed them, but you never know. And I don’t like you to be alone when that can happen.’

I swallow. ‘Why do you even care.’

 He’s quiet for a while before he replies. ‘I’m not even answering that.

‘Why not?’

‘Because it’s better for the both of us.’

‘This is not better!’ I protest. But before he can react, I hear voices through the phone. I can’t make out what they are saying and suddenly the phone call stops. He hung up. And I just stand there for a while, with the phone locked to my ear, waiting on something I cannot pin point what exactly. Maybe I’m waiting to hear his voice again. Maybe I’m waiting for another phone call telling me all this was a joke and he’ll step by later. I don’t know what I’m waiting for. But after two minutes it’s clear to me that nothing is coming and that I need to get going again. So I look in the mirror next to my bedroom door to check if I somehow look presentable. And though I look far from okay, I still have no choice then enter the living room again.

But when I do. No one is there. No Niall. No Louis.

It startles me because why would they leave in such a rush and don’t even say goodby-…

And then it hits me. Zayn planned this whole thing out. When Zayn told Niall to put the speaker down, it all changed. He told him to leave from the moment I would be in another room. He specifically asked me to go to my bedroom, and it didn’t even ring a bell with me. Louis probably knew all along. He distracted me from listening. It won’t surprise me if these two lads can read the other’s mind without even looking at each other.

And I couldn’t help myself but feel so freaking frustrated because of it.

NOTE: I’m sorry this one is a bit shorter. It was kind of a filling chapter.  Hope you are still liking this :-)

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