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NOTE: So here it is. The 4000 words epilogue and last part of Stealing Hearts. I want to thank everyone who thought the story was worth it enough to follow. I'm sorry for the inexcusable breaks I took while writing this story. I hate to make you guys wait, but well... We got there in the end eventually! This is by far probably my most favourite story I ever wrote. I put everything I had in it, and I dearly hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!

If you liked this story, please, recommend it to friends or blogs you know. It would mean the world to me :-)

Thank you SO MUCH again!


I never imagined going to work being this hard, but the past few weeks it all began to weigh through. If I wasn't so stubborn about it, I would've listened to Zayn a long time ago. But somehow I just wasn't able to stay at home for months and months so I tried to limit it by working until my eight month of pregnancy, strongly against Zayn's will.

But today was my last working day... Zayn was ecstatic this morning and I really tried not to admit I am relieved as well. It was a weak try, because he knows me too well and he sees how much effort it takes these last few days to even get through the day.

I'm packing the bags with all my things and look around one last time to see everything is ready for my intern to begin. I place myself on the teacher chair, holding my belly while bending down. Every day it depends on how long it takes him, but today it's quite early when his head peeks through the door.

'Hello Mrs. Malik.' Louis smirks at me.

I'm still not used to that title, although it's been a year. But every time someone uses it, it reminds me of how incredibly happy I actually am.

'Good evening, Mr. Tomlinson.' I nod at him, getting out of my chair already. And when he sees how much effort it takes me to even find my balance back, he carefully gives me a hand... Very aware of the fact that I might snap at him for helping me when I clearly can do it by myself. But this time I don't even bother. I take his hand and I'm glad to have someone holding me steady when I try to find my balance back while standing on both of my feet.

'So how was your last day?' He asks when he's sure I'm not going to fall down and goes for the three bags full of goodies that belong to me.

'It was alright. A bit heavy, but don't tell Zayn.'

'I would never...' He winks while carrying two bags on his shoulder and one bag on his other shoulder. 'Do you mind me bringing these down first before I go down with you?'

He doesn't even wait for my answer, again aware of me possibly insisting on going down myself. He's already out the door before I'm able to reply, and I let him be. Zayn would probably kill him if he went downstairs without having his hands free to help me whenever it's necessary.

Louis is our new drama teacher since this year. After the boys finished their community service three years ago, he started his drama studies and decided to go and teach kids with it. The children love his classes and two times a week doesn't seem to be enough for them. It's probably because I know Louis and I know where he came from, but I always get so proud when I hear my kids in class talking about what they did in drama class and how funny Mr. Tomlinson was. Not only the children love him, but my colleagues do too. He has this amazing likability factor and surely knows how to handle it in his benefit.

Every evening Louis accompanies me on my way home and I became so used to having him around, have our little talks and laugh with his jokes until my tummy hurt, that I wouldn't want to miss this for the world. He's my buddy. And I often tell him things I don't want Harry or Zayn to know. Because Harry and Zayn worry too much, especially now I'm pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I love them for that. But Louis is a bit more care free in it and he lets me be most of the time. It's freeing... And I love that from time to time.

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