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Being a teacher is lovely most of the time. Until you got one of those parents that rather hurt you in every way possible than say anything positive at all. When I arrived at school this morning, the mother of Jasper was waiting on me at the school gate.

‘I talked to the head master about you!’ She suddenly called my attention. I was not planning on talking to her but when I heard her say the words, my head instantly turned.

‘Excuse me?’

‘Last time we talked, we had some agreements. But you don’t do anything with it. It’s not going to work like that, miss White.’ She sternly spoke, making my eyebrow rise at the word ‘agreements’. I didn’t agree on anything. Punishments for kids are necessary, but there are also a lot of other techniques who are maybe even more effective most of the time.

‘With all your respect, madam. But I have my own style of teaching. I surely think about what parents say to me about their children, but in the end it’s me who has to make it work in a classroom with 21 children.’

It silenced the woman only a couple of seconds before she said the one thing that broke my heart for the rest of the day.

‘I don’t think you are a good enough teacher for my son, miss White. I asked the principal to change him to another classroom. I just wanted to inform you on that. Have a nice day further.’ And without saying another word, she left me speechless while the school bell was ringing, telling me I needed to go to my class.


From the moment I step into the elevator of my apartment that night, tears start dripping down my cheeks. I barely am able to breathe normally, caused by all the emotions coming out. I held them in all day: in class, during lunch, on the bus, on the tube. But now, being seconds away from being home, causes me to not take it any longer. I just hope there will be no one in the hallway, because I’m not in a presentable state at all. I don’t even have the power to hold it back. It all comes out and I feel exhausted when I reach my floor and step out of the elevator, walking to my own front door. I’m silently sobbing when I open it and finally am home, ready to put on my pyjamas, take some chocolate out the fridge and cry some more in bed. But when I turn around, my teary eyes recognize a figure sitting on my couch. And it startles me at first, but then I recognize Zayn and I even feel more awful. How the hell did he even get in here?

He looks uncomfortable and in doubt about what to do. Whatever his intentions might be and whatever his reason is for being here, he definitely did not expect me to meet him like this. And I sure as hell could not have predicted this either.

‘You’re here. Again!’ I cry out, way louder then I tended to do so. ‘Why this time? Do you want me to operate you? Because I can tell you right now, I’m not planning on doing that and-…’

I get startled by him walking over to me and placing his finger right on my mouth. During the whole period of time my tears don’t stop from falling. ‘Hey!’ He interrupts me. ‘Calm down. Just-… Calm down. Okay?’

‘What do I have to do now?’ My voice tried to say, but it was muffled because of his hands covering my mouth.

‘You don’t have to do anything.’


‘Not good.’ He disagrees.


‘You’re not good at all.’ He states, his eyes focussed on mine.

‘I don’t need your comfort.’ I mumble, shaking my head loose in his grip, walking over to the kitchen. I fill myself a glass of water, maybe that will help me to calm down. But from the moment the water fills my throat, I just can feel that this isn’t working. So I empty the glass in the sink and walk to the living room again, more likely to the cabinet with alcohol and grab myself a bottle of red wine.

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