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NOTE: UNproudly present to you, a chapter that has taken me way too long to post, and even now I'm not convinced of it. So I'm sorry if it doesn't complete your expectations. :-( 

I barely am able to catch my breath when I storm into my own apartment, closing the door instantly and scanning the room until I find Zayn sitting on the couch with my guitar in his hand and a confused look on his face while he stares at my exhausted body language.

Thank God he’s here.

‘Are you okay?’ He questions me, placing down the guitar, while standing up from his seat.

‘Someone was following me.’ My voice sounds frantic, still not fully able to breathe normally.

He stares at me for a while before he reacts.

‘That’s not possible.’

‘God! I’m not crazy, Zayn! Someone was following me.’ I say angrily.  

‘Did you see him?’

‘Of course I saw him!’ I cry out throwing my hands in the air. ‘He’s been following me all day. It was only when I saw him again in the hospital, I knew something was not right. And he was there on my way home. I knew from the start he was up to no good. He burned my hand God damned! And-’

‘Whoa! Okay stop.’ Zayn interrupts me, walking towards where I’m standing. He gestures to take off my coat, and I feel myself getting more frustrated because I’m still in this adrenaline rush and his actions don’t compliment that. ‘Okay. Sit down and tell me exactly what happened from the moment you left the apartment this morning.’

I do what he asks me to do and not much later I’m telling everything from the burned hand, to the fur coat, to the excuse of his little brother and meeting him again after my visit to Harry.

During my whole story, Zayn’s expression pretty much stays the same. I see him clench his jaw a couple of times. His frown never leaves his forehead. And his eyes look at me in their stern and serious way. He doesn’t say a word, never interrupts me and just listens.

Even when I’m done, it takes him a while to react.

He takes me by surprise when he suddenly stands up and starts walking up and down the room, like he’s in some deep thoughts I know nothing about.

‘Was it Stefan?’ I ask him, a little bit calmer than I was when I first entered my apartment.

‘Of course it’s not Stefan. He doesn’t do things like that himself.’

‘It’s one of his men?’

‘I don’t know.’ He mutters under his breath. ‘If it’s one of his men, it means Stefan knows. It means someone followed me yesterday, but I was sure no one did.’

He suddenly grabs his phone and I can see him searching for someone in his contacts.

‘What are you doing?’ I ask him breathlessly.

And it’s only when he places the phone to his ear, that he walks over to me, places his hand behind my head and pulls me close to kiss my hair. ‘Calling Louis.’ He answers, before continuing his walking up and down the room.

I vaguely hear the phone click and Louis voice call Zayn’s name.

For the next few minutes I only hear Zayn’s voice respond to whatever Louis is saying.

‘Someone was following her, today.’

‘Blond hair, up in a ponytail, quiet tall. And he had a fur coat on apparently.’ With the last bit his eyes shift to mine, because it was the detail I kept repeating the whole story.

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