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Chapter 16

Evelyn POV

I turn on the television when I make my way over to the kitchen. I like it when there is music or a program on, even when I don’t look at the screen. It makes me feel like my apartment isn’t that empty after all. I just came home twenty minutes ago and started already with preparing my diner. It was a huge thing for me to actually cook something, because normally I dread the idea of cooking myself. I continue taking some ingredients for a salad out of the fridge, feeling good about myself for being such so good for myself with healthy food, when a news flash suddenly catches my attention.

‘Yesterday evening another café in London has been robbed. We were able to arrest one of the members of the gang that’s been going around the city for months now. We are ready to reinvestigate everything and will hope for some co-operation of our suspect…’

Suddenly I feel myself standing in front of my television, not even realizing I walked over from the kitchen.

This cannot be Zayn. Please… let it not be him.

No. It cannot be him. He told me yesterday he didn’t have a stealing job. Did he? But maybe something still came up. And maybe something went wrong. How will I ever be able to see him again? God… Why am I even talking about it like it is a bad thing. I should be happy if they arrested him. It would be justice. But I’m not feeling happy at all. I feel sick actually. Because I cannot stand the idea of never seeing him again. 

Right at that exact moment I hear my doorbell go and I can’t help but jump up again. My heart starts to race, hoping so badly it’s the lad I spend my evening with yesterday, that I will not be able to contain my disappointment if it is anyone else. I quickly run up to the door, remembering just in time that I need to look through the peephole. But when I do the thing Zayn specifically asked me to do, I do not meet Zayn, nor Harry. It’s two men standing in front of my door. One blond lad and the other one with brown hair.

One of them is supporting the other.

After a short moment of hesitation, I do the thing Zayn would hate me for. But he’s not here and he does not know, so I’m not planning on telling him. ‘Who is it?’ I ask in a louder voice, making sure they hear my words. If the brown haired one wasn’t looking like he’s hurt, I probably would’ve acted like I wasn’t home. But for some reason my voice decided to let them know I was. And I couldn’t make out if it was because of the coincidence of the moment, or just my curiosity.

‘Friends of Zayn.’ The blond one answers back.

I bite my lip. The possibility that they’re lying strangles me. They know about Zayn, so they are either on his side… or enemies.  

‘What are your names?’ I decide to ask again. Because if one of them is Louis, I know I can let him in. And if none of them is, I just don’t.

‘Niall and Louis.’

And from the moment I hear the last name, I open the door for them to enter. I immediately see the brown one is hesitating to come in, like he does not want this at all. But because the blond boy practically drags him in, he has no other choice.

‘Where is Zayn?’ I ask while closing the door after them.

‘Probably at our place.’ The blond one answers while helping the brown one to sit on the couch. ‘I’m so sorry, Evelyn. I’m Niall. Nice to meet you.’ He sticks out his hand, but when we both notice the blood on it, he quickly pulls back. ‘I know you know about us and about Zayn and what we are doing. I had nowhere to go and he-’ Niall looks at the brown lad, who’s probably Louis. ‘He needs to be taken care of. He won’t get it with Stefan.’

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