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It was when I received a text from Louis, that I realized how late it actually had gotten.

Where the hell are you staying, Z. Stefan keeps asking where you are. I cannot keep making excuses about Lucas.

When I caught Evelyn following me earlier, I knew this would end like this. And I tried to contain it. But leaving her gets harder every single time. I know that I’m playing with fire, and I’d rather just stay away, but it’s like Niall said: it’s quite satisfying having someone else outside the nightmare I’m living in. And the last two weeks it was so hard to not come back. It was hard to make sure she didn’t see me when I picked up Lucas from school. It was hard not stepping by her apartment after it. It was just hard to stay away. But I did. And then she all destroyed it by coming to me… Though I didn’t blame her. Maybe I did the first few minutes, but then I just realized I couldn’t. Because for once, my heart won from my mind. For once, I felt somewhat human again.

I’m still staring at Louis’ message, realizing it’s time for me to go. So I quickly reply, hoping I would make it just in time before Stefan would kick off.

I’ll be there in half an hour.

‘I really need to get going.’ I announce while standing up from the sofa. Harry and Evelyn both look up from the game we were playing. And it warms my heart in a way how they both look disappointed. This night meant more to me than they both could ever imagine. Somehow it felt like I had a home again. Somehow it felt like I had people who cared. Somehow it felt, for just a moment, that I didn’t have to go back to the place I hate the most out of all places.

Evelyn does something with her eyes, asking me if I need to go because of the thingThe thing as in, probably, a stealing job. And I quietly answer her by shaking my head and adding a small smile. She nods at that, satisfied with my answer. It makes me want to lie to her. It makes me want to tell her that’s it’s going to stop and that I’m not with Stefan’s group anymore. That me and Louis, and maybe Niall… I’m not sure if I can trust him just yet, are free men again. Free to go wherever we want to go. Free to love other people and not get threatened by it. Free to be happy again.

‘You need to come to Liam’s café next time.’ Harry snaps me out of my thoughts, causing me to leave Evelyns eyes and look at him.

‘Liam’s café?’

‘Yeah… A friend of ours. He has a café nearby Earl’s court.’ Harry explains. ‘We mostly sit there on Fridays or Saturdays.’

That’s around the time I have work to do. And by the look on Evelyns face I know that she knows what I’m thinking.

‘Yeah, well. Maybe someday. Thank you for the invite though.’ I smile friendly and get surprised when Harry comes in for a short pat on my back.

‘I’ll leave the two of you to say goodbye.’ He tries to wink at Evelyn unnoticeably but fails miserable, giving me a hard time not to laugh out loud. He kisses her cheek goodbye. And leaves the apartment rather quickly, not that I complain.

‘Did you have a good night?’ She asks me, her eyes glistering in the light of the room. I love her green eyes. They’re not just green. They look blue in some lights and rather gold in other’s. But now they are an emerald green colour and I cannot help but keep looking at them.

‘I had a great night. Thank you for that.’ I smile at her and I instantly see a light blush appear on her cheeks. ‘So Harry and you… Just best friends?’

She needs to laugh at that. ‘Just best friends… Yes. Never been more, never been less.’ She pauses, before her eyes suddenly switch to a more serious look. ‘Do you have one?’

Stealing Hearts (Zayn Malik Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang