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NOTE: Be prepared...

Evelyn POV

When I hear the doorbell go, my first thought is Liam. He checks in on me a lot the last couple of days. He stayed over with Sophia two days ago and yesterday he would’ve repeated it if I didn’t tell him not to. He was also keeping in touch with the police and that was the one thing that scared me the most. From time to time he’d call to ask if I had more information about the one holding me, about Zayn. Maybe I saw his eyes (of course I did), maybe I heard his voice and was able to tell something about it (I could recognize his voice in a big crowd of people probably), but even though I could help him, I decided not to and tell them I didn’t remember anything clearly although it’s probably the clearest memory on my mind right now.

But then I get to the door and I look through the peephole (because I don’t forget things Zayn tells me) and I most definitely do not catch Liam standing there.

‘Shit.’ I breathe out while taking a step back, not able to control my normal breathing pattern anymore.

It’s him.

What do I do? What do I do?!

I can’t let him in, because I promised Harry I wouldn’t. But I want to. I want to so badly. And I feel like such a pathetic friend for wanting it.

He rings the bell another time and I just keep standing frozen in my spot, going over every possible action in my head, desperately wanting to find the right one. But Harry’s voice in my mind is holding me back. I can’t shake him off, because I promised.

I promised.

Why did I promise again, because this is killing m-

My thoughts stop when I suddenly hear a key in the lock.

You’ve got to be kidding me?!

But nobody is kidding me when suddenly Zayn appears in my apartment, visibly confused about finding me only a couple feet away from him.

‘You can’t do that!’ I say firmly, while he closes the door again behind him. ‘You can’t use the key from the mailbox to come in when I don’t let you in. Even when you know where the key is! That’s not fair!’


‘No!’ I interrupt him, feeling so angry suddenly that I can’t control the feeling any longer. ‘Don’t you ‘Evelyn’ me. You can’t come in when people don’t let you in. You can’t do that in public places and you especially cannot do that in my place. If I don’t let you in, you need to accept that. Even if you know where the key is.’

‘So you want me to go then?’ He asks me so calmly compared to how I’m badly raging on.

‘No!’ I hear myself yell, immediately realizing what a stupid mistake I made. ‘I mean, yes. You should go.’

But I already gave myself away with my first word and he knows it.

‘What do you want, Evelyn?’

‘I- I want you to go.’

Why am I even hesitating? I promised.

‘You really do? Because I’m going.’ He tells me, his expression still and calm. ‘If you want me to go, I go and I won’t come back.’

His words linger in my mind and I can’t help but bite my lip in response, instead of telling him he should do that.

‘I promised.’ My voice is barely a whisper but he hears it, thank god he does.

‘You promised? To who?’


‘Oh…’ He nods, understanding. ‘You told him?’

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