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NOTE: I am terribly sorry for this chapter..........

My eyes jolt open when I suddenly hear a loud crash in the living room.

What the hell was that?

I quickly glance at my alarm clock on my bedside table and when I realize it’s a little over 3 am I know something is not right. I can feel my heart racing in my chest when I hear another sound of something hitting the ground with a lot of force, very confident about the fact that Zayn wouldn’t make so much noise on his own in the middle of the night.

I jump out the bed, not even thinking clear and race to the door that separates my bedroom with the living room. It’s just before I want to open the door that I can hear a clear and awful gunshot, making the whole apartment fall in a complete and utter silence. It takes me back to the café, to the moment Harry got shot, to probably the most terrifying seconds of my life. It’s like I’m reliving it all over again.

And I just know that there is no chance of this being a good thing. Because whoever is in my living room with Zayn…

Zayn isn’t carrying a gun with him.

So Zayn won’t be the one shooting it.

Tears spring in my eyes, while I quickly lock my door in the most quiet way possible, but somehow the click coming from the lock, sounds more like a loud smashing door in the silence of my apartment.

‘I really hope you don’t think locking your door is going to keep me away from you, E-ve-lyn.’

The way this stranger’s voice pronounces my name, gives me colds chills all over my body.

‘I really thought Zayn would be more of a struggle. Turns out he was very easy to get over with.’ I can hear the smile in his ice cold voice and it makes me want to throw up.

Zayn is dead?

The voice continues, getting more audible with every step, until literally the only thing separating us is my locked bedroom door. ‘A shame though… For my team. I really wish this didn’t have to go like this. Zayn was a very good member of my group.’

My body shuts down from the moment he accentuates the word ‘was’ in his sentence.

Zayn is dead.


God, no.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks and I feel like breathing is not an option for me anymore. It’s in that moment, I decide not to care any longer. Because everything I care about is already lost and there is no way I’m going to end my final moments being afraid of a guy who doesn’t deserve my fear.

I know it’s Stefan behind that door. And I’m not hesitating when I grab the doorknob and open it, hearing another gunshot directed to me this time.

And suddenly when my whole world is crumbling down, I feel myself gasp and scream awake again.

It takes me a minute to figure out where I am, but when I suddenly see a worried Zayn appear in my doorframe, my body kind of feels like relaxing again.

It was only a nightmare.

Thank God, he’s here.


I see Zayn’s eyes move along my body, making sure I’m completely alright and when he realizes it was just a bad dream, he breathes out, making his shoulders lose its tense.

‘Did you have a nightmare?’ He asks me softly when he walks over to my side of the bed.

I only nod, not able to explain anything, let alone make my voice ready to speak.

Stealing Hearts (Zayn Malik Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz