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NOTE: I proudly present you, one of the longest chapters of Stealing Hearts up until now. ENJOY!

Waking up and actually open my eyes was probably the hardest thing I had to do in a very long time. From the moment my alarm clock goes, it’s just one big follow up of me pressing snooze every single time, until the moment I’m actually able to properly see the hour and even then it’s hard to sit up and step out of my cosy, warm, incredibly soft bed.

I groan in frustration when my bare feet hit the cold floor and I can’t help but yawn when I stand up while feeling still so terribly sleepy.

I take a moment before the world around me stops spinning and if I didn’t have that incredible persistence of doing my job properly, I would’ve gone back to bed for sure.

It’s only when I see Zayn’s leather jacket hanging off my chair, that I realize what had happened the day before. He undid himself from that jacket when he entered my room after we kissed.

The kiss. It still gives me chills over my whole body, while only thinking about it. I really needed to hide my disappointment when he told me yesterday he wouldn’t sleep with me. He never gave me a proper explanation, but maybe he just thinks it’s too soon. Although I’ve never met a boy who thinks sleeping together after the first kiss is too soon. I mean… It’s not like I’m wanting more straight away, but just sleeping with him would be nice.

No, it would definitely be so much more then nice.

More like extra ordinary.

But for some reason he wasn’t thinking the same. He insisted to sleep on the couch, and I didn’t keep it from him. I was already so incredibly happy he even considered staying for the night.

He did stay though?

Suddenly the fear creeps up on me that he might have left during the night. He wouldn’t do that… would he? Or maybe he just realized this was one big mistake after all? Maybe he thought back on our kiss and realized it wasn’t as good as he thought it would be? And maybe that’s also the reason he wanted to sleep on the couch?

I tip toe myself to my bedroom door in a state of panic, preparing on a worst case scenario. I softly open the door, and breathe out as quiet as possible when I see him sleeping on the couch.

He’s still here. Thank god.

I open the door a bit more and take silent steps forward, taking in his whole presence.

He started out with the blanket I gave him, but at some point during the short night we had, he removed it from himself, because it was lying next to the couch. He slept with his black trousers on, but undid himself from his shirt, which left me in a state of utter admiration while taking in his tattooed upper body.

I’ve never been a girl who’s a big fan of tattoos, but with Zayn it’s different. Maybe it is due to the fact I’m in love with him. Or maybe the little designs just fit him perfectly. I don’t know what it is… The only thing I know is, that I’m standing in front of a guy, breathlessly, forgetting I need to get out the door in five minutes.



I quietly sprint back in my room to go and dress myself. No time for food. No time for tea. I would grab something on my way.

It takes me two minutes too much to get ready. And it’s when I’m ready to get out the door, that I realize I maybe should leave a little note for him. So I quickly take a piece of paper, write something down, put it on the table, look at him one last time in case he’s not able to live up to the note, before I pull the door shot behind me.

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