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NOTE: I'm going to be surprised if people actually still care to read this after such an awfully long time of no posting and no chapter. You know I'm sorry. You know I would have love to see it differently. But I'm back now to finish this story. Two more chapters to go and an epilogue. Hope you still are ready :-)

It's like Zayn's eyes shoot fire at me from the moment those three words leave my lips.

'Wanna bet, Stefan?'

It doesn't take a second for all the people in the room to react. Stefan abruptly turns around confused, Zayn pulls his gun directly at Stefan who's standing between us, but gets almost instantly attacked from behind by the two other guys in the room, leaving him gun-less and held firmly in a very uncomfortable position in no time. At that point I already badly regret the decision I made.

'Well this is a surprise.' Stefan frowns at me, not even looking behind him. I wonder if he even noticed Zayn pulling the gun at him. It doesn't matter now though. Zayn lost his only weapon to defend himself because I decided to be reckless. Great...

'Louis did get past my men then? Tommo, I would love it if you showed up right now to join the party!' His voice gets louder with the last bit. Not knowing Louis has nothing to do with this part of the plan. In fact nobody does, except for me.

I feel Niall's hidden eyes burn on my skin from a couple of feet distance. This was not planned. I kind of took him off guard with doing this. And I don't even know why I thought this thing could work, but now it feels like the most stupid decision I could ever make. How did I even think I could scare Stefan by doing this? He didn't even flinch when he saw the gun in my hands. It's like it doesn't affect him at all.

When Stefan realizes Louis doesn't feel like making an appearance, he sighs and steps closer towards me. It makes me so uncomfortable that I don't even know what to do with myself.

'Don't touch her.' I hear Zayn growl, while I'm very much aware of Stefan coming way too close to my own liking. In the corner of my eye, I see Niall go back in the dim light of the corridor, because otherwise Stefan is able to see him immediately when he reaches me.

'I wouldn't dare.' He smiles right at me, before he reaches my spot and snatches the gun, that's totally not a fit for my hands, away from me. 'You're so naïve it's endearing.' He smiles at me while holding the gun in his hand. 'You really think after practically a life time experience with guns, I don't recognize people who can't handle these kind of devices?'

That makes me frown.

'But you don't recognize people with a good right hand, do you?' I raise my brow, showing off a lot more confidence than I actually have right now. The purple red mark on his jawline does feel satisfying though. And the way he narrows his eyes only tells me his ego is still touched by my fist hitting his jaw the way it did.

'Watch your mouth, missy.' He spits in his turn.

But nothing stops me from this point on. 'There is not very much in it for me, is it? I'll be dead soon, so the least I can do is have my last moments saying whatever I want to say.'

'Until I decide to kill your boyfriend first.' His eyes are so dark compared to his ash blond hair, it's scary. His words silence me and my heart rate feels like beating faster than it already did. 'Like I said...' He whispers while articulating every word. 'Watch your mouth, missy.'

He has my attention now. And when I quickly glance at Zayn the anger in his eyes hits me right to the bone. I don't really know if it's me he's pissed off with, or the situation.

Probably both.

Suddenly Stefan's attention is pulled away by something happening behind me and when his eyes light up, just like his satisfied smile I know something is not right. Zayn's expression changes as well, from angry to some kind of apologizing look, and it's when I glance to my side slowly that I realize why.

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