Chapter 16

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When I woke up I was in my room. I had the pack doctor beside me and he was muttering. "They make my job harder. They should of waited until her 6 week check up." Then he started mumbling.

"Doc Grant?"

He stopped mumbling and looked at me, "how do you feel Luna?"

"I feel tired but I need to feed my pups. I feel ready to burst."

"Zulu has realized you will need enough milk to feed four pups. I will have Seth, Dimitri, Alicia and Stacia brought in. But, we do need to talk after you feed them. Stay in bed."

He walks out. Mom, Luna Anna and Luna Ruth walked in carrying the pups. I fed all four of them. Then mom took the pups and change their diapers and laid them down in the crib that was beside my bed. She covered them with a dark blanket. She took a photo of them together.

The two Luna's came back into the room carrying a tray of food each

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The two Luna's came back into the room carrying a tray of food each. My stomach growled. I ate it all. I started to get up. Mom growled at me."

"I just want to go to the bathroom."

"Doc said bedrest." Liam walked in and scooped me up  "Doc said you are to do nothing but eat, sleep and feed pups. I will carry you to and from the bathroom."

I growl, "I just gave birth and not an invalid. I do not know you well enough for this sort of privacy invasion."

He set me by the toilet and said, "call me when your ready to come out." Then he walked out. I did my business and then decided to take a shower.

I locked the bathroom door and climbed in the shower. I heard a growl when he tried to turn the knob. Then I heard mom say, "don't you break that door."

Then I heard a key scraping in the lock and the door knob turning  "Why did you lock me out?"

"I wanted privacy in the shower. Now please go wait in the bedroom. I will call you once I am done."

"Nope. I will close my eyes but Doc said no walking or standing long."

Sigh, I turn the shower off. I then wrap a towel around me. I peek around the shower curtain and his eyes are shut. "Can you stand outside while I do my personal needs if I promise to call when done?"

"FINE." Then he walks out and closes the door. "But if you ever lick me out again I will take this door off it's hinges and there will be no more door."

I took care of my personal needs and got dressed in a  clean night gown that was sitting on the cabinet by the sink. "I am ready." He came in picked me up. "Thank you for the clean nightgown."

"Your mom handed me that. Now let's get you in bed. Then we will call Doc back in here." He settled me into bed.

Doctor Grant returned. The first thing I said was, "what should of waited until my six week check up? Why am I being told bedrest when earlier you gave me the all clear?"

"You were out for two days is reason number one your on bed rest. Your mom or the nurse has been bringing the pups in to feed off you as needed.

Number two- If you had not been marked so soon after giving birth you would be up and moving around. But Zulu and you need time to adjust. If the council had asked any doctor they would of said your body takes usually 3-6 weeks to heal after giving birth. Give your body time to heal and then  mark.

Number three-your wolf also realized she needed to produce enough milk now for 4 pups instead of 2. So your body is needing that.

Number four- We add this past year a rejection.

Number five- Then your mate dying.

Number six- We add a marking to it. Then a new mate. Plus you getting Luna powers. This all wears out your wolf. 

That is why you are now are on bed rest for at least 3 weeks. Then depending on your wolf we might expand it to 6 weeks.  Otherwise it could lead to more blackouts and one of those blackouts could happen when carrying a pup" he concluded.

"Being in bed will get boring," I replied.

Doc replies, "we have had a nurse volunteer to come help you." He goes and opens the door and in walks Nurse Rose.

"What are you doing here? You work for the council?"

"I was given permission to come here and help you and the pups. I will monitor you daily and report to Doc here. Plus also will help monitor Alpha Dave."

I give her a hug. "It is good to see you. Will I be stuck here the whole time? I hate the idea of so long in bed?"

"You are on total bedrest. That shower stunt you pulled won't happen again. However, we are moving you from this room. There is a room on the main floor of the packhouse. I have a wheelchair that I brought for your use. Plus they are adapting the bathroom with a handicap shower.  I can push you around in the wheelchair on that whole floor. Plus a schedule has been made to help with the pups."

Mom and the Luna's came in. "We are here to pack up your clothes and go set up your room at the packhouse. The council sent all your clothes back and we got them already being unpacked."

"The pack is going to think I am a terrible Luna staying in bed all this time."

Liam growls, "no they won't. I have a pack meeting this evening and going to explain it all. Then Alpha Jason is going to continue to run this pack. With you being taken care of here I will run to Bluemoon Pack. They need a leader now since many elders and leaders have been found guilty of being part of the trafficking ring. There are still a lot of abused innocents left. I need to get there and work to get our packs merged. There is unclaimed land between Moonscape Pack and Silversmith Pack. The council is working to swap that area. Plus an edge is also attached to Ravenclaw Pack. Plus the rogues who live there will be offered a chance to join the pack or be relocated. There are about 20 rogue families who live peacefully there. I will be gone for this transitional stage. The Bluemoon Pack will be given the choice too. If they stay in their present location they will be label rogues, but if they move they will get a choice to stay with pack members. Or join this pack."

"How can you run that pack when we have not completed our bonding?"

"With my marking you and your present condition the council has granted it. We have until 1 month after the doctor clears you to complete our bonding. This gives us time to get to know each other and our pups."

"If you leave how will I get to know you?"

"Right now this is not about us, but are packs. I have promoted your brothers up. Your brother Ryan is now Beta of Bluemoon and your other brother, Nick is their third in command. Ryan is going with me to the old location and Nick is going to meet with the council at the new location.  All four of the packs will work to build a new pack house there. There is a hotel that pack members can stay at during this transaction. All I need from you is the go ahead"

All I reply is, "go."


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