Chapter 11

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Councilman Carrol says "we have had a grievance filed against two different packs. It was the Ravenclaw Pack which a settlement has been settled. Then the Bluemoon Pack which has not been settled. 

The Bluemoon pack has filed a counter suit of slander against the two packs. Plus is asking to be reinstated as Ravenclaw alpha and merge them with Bluemoon.

We are also here to verify paternity and decide involvement between pups and paternal relationship. We are here to decide if the gauntlet should be ran or not on the charges of raping of a mate occurred. If Bluemoon will run run if found guilty or pay the restitution.

Whom will battle it if such actions are required. Then to confirm leaders of the these packs. Because of the serious nature of this matter we will be doing private chambers court." Murmurs break out.  "Enough. As I said we will do private chambers. This means lawyers from all three packs will be present. Then one at a time will be called into chambers and question." He  then looks around and in a command voice, "WHAT IS ASKED AND SAID IN PRIVATE CHAMBERS CANNOT BE SPOKE OF OUTSIDE PRIVATE CHAMBERS UNLESS BETWEEN LAWYER AND CLIENT UNTIL VERDICT IS REACHED." Everyone felt that command wash over them. "If the lawyers feel they need to talk with someone who is not a client one on one you clear it through the court scheduler. Ms. Lawson who will be your first witness?"

"My first witness will be Ms Ashley Swift."

"We will have a 5 minute recess to move to private chambers. Everyone in this room is sequester until called to witness. Bailiffs will make sure no talking about trial related items during this time." Then they get up and leave.  Ryan looked at Ashley, "this is good. When I requested this I wasn't sure the council would go for it. Now take a deep breath. Blow it out slowly. Remember all the calming techniques we discussed."

We go in and Ashley sits in the witness chair. "Are you ready to proceed Ms Lawson and Ms Swift?," ask Councilman Carrol.

"Yes, councilman Carrol."

"On Friday, October 2 I would like for you to tell the court where you went and why you were there."

I told my story and  what happened that night. They did exactly what Ryan had said they would do. They tried to make me sound like a tramp.  My last words before being dismissed was, "I was raised watching wolves meet their mates and being kind and gentle to them. Yes, being over protective and loving to them. I was not expecting him to rip my clothes and push his way into me after I specifically said STOP before he started ripping my clothes. He took my innocence in a brutal way."

The room got very quiet. "No more questions your honor."

Councilman Carrol says, "your dismisses."

I start to stand up, "I would like to request that Ashley stays to hear the next witness. It is about the health and well-being of her pups."

"Granted." He looks at the other lawyer, "would your client want to be here too?"

He links to his client and says, "no he is with his mate right now."

"Then proceed."

"My next witness is Elite 'L'." Ryan says. You see Elite 'L' come in. Please have a seat. Then two more 'L's enter the room from other entrances. My mouth drops because I was looking at identical triplet sisters. Ryan leans over and whispers, "Yes, Everyone in this room know about 'L." You see these three were born and raised here so their identities are known as triplets. She then turns toward 'L' and says, "please explain how you got involved with this case."

One of the 'L's replied, 'we are Elite. We were asked to watch and never  leave sight of the specimen and results that were taken from Ms. Swift. On Tuesday evening 1 was there when collected and did first shift. Then 2 did the second shift and 3 did the third shift. We rotated every 6 hours. During shift change 'A' would come in so we could change shift without being noticed. Some lab technicians do not realize we are triplets so it make it easy to switch around. Some have assumed we are twins though."

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