Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke us and ran straight to the toilet to vomit. I stayed them until I felt a wet wash cloth in my forehead. I looked up and saw it was the guy whom had been rejected. I jumped up and swung my fist at his face. He jumped back, "your sister sent me up here. I promise I won't hurt you."

"Get out." I was yelling at him.

Mom then ran into the room. She got between me and him, "what are you doing in her room." Just then I turned and started dry heaving into the toilet again.

Sarah walked in, "what is the commotion about? This is Quinn mom. Alpha said he would be coming to build Ashley's house, so I sent him up to her room."

Mom turned toward her. "Take him into the living room."

Just then Dad, Liam about 5 warriors showed up. He grabbed Quinn, "how did you get into my house. Why are you scaring my daughters and mate?"

Sarah did a loud shrilling whistle, and everyone but me stopped what they were doing to look at her. "Now that I got your attention. This is Alpha to be Quinn. He was sent here to work on building the house as part of his pack's restitution. I am the one who let him it and directed him to her room." She then looked around, "where is she." Just then they heard me dry heaving. "OMG SHE IS SICK."

Mom looked at everyone, "get out. I will take care of her. Sarah go make a pot of tea and we will talk later about this."

Mom handed me some ginger snaps that she had in her pocket. "Nibble on these. This is what helped me when I was pregnant with pups."

A few minutes later I was feeling better. I then looked at Mom. I think I will shower and get dressed. Then will go talk to Quinn."

Once I was showered and dressed I went downstairs. Dad was glaring at Quinn. Quinn was looking very forelorn around the room. "Dad, I am ok. I am taking Quinn to the diner in town. We will talk."

"Ashley, it is not ok to leave the house with him. Remember he is that jackasses brother. I am not going to let him hurt you."

I growled, "Dad, I am an adult now. I soon will be having pups of my own. Stop treating me like a little girl."

Dad looked at me, "you are my little girl. I won't ever forgive myself for you getting hurt while on my watch."

I walked to dad. I wrapped my arms around him. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "I am ok now daddy. Go to mom. If it makes you feel better I will take my own car. Daddy you can call uncle Jessup and tell him we are coming. I am  starving now."

He smiled as he looked down at me. "Yes, you are just like your mama. She was always starving too after a morning like you had."

I then turn and look at him, "come on. I will drive my car and you follow behind in your car." As we turned to walk toward our own vehicles, "by the way we haven't been formally introduced, I am Ashley Swift." I hold out my hand to him.

He takes my hand and gives me a small smile, "hi Ashley. I am Alpha-to-be Quinn. I am here to show you different house plans. I also am here to apologize for what he did to you."

My face went red. "It is not you who needs to apologize. I will be honest I grew up watching how mate's were suppose to treat their mates. Your brother seemed to be after power than a mate. We just seemed to both draw the short end of the stick. I figure the pups I am carrying the moon goddess has special plans for. One day karma will bite him in the ass if I don't get to it first."

He laughed. "I would love to see you do that. Though I cannot do that to my ex. My brother was raised on how to treat a lady, but will admit my grand pops still wants to follow the old way. I think he and my mom is who corrupted him. She was part of Bluemoon pack and her dad had been a Beta there. She was always sending us to her father, but when I turned at 16, she could not force me to go any more. I was glad when he passed so we no longer were arguing about going there. I admit I honor my dad's pack ways. While my brother honors our mom's old pack ways."

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