Chapter 15

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A few mornings later my brothers, Tom and Ryan took me to see my new home. I was surprised by the appearance since this wasn't the house I had talked to Quinn about. "Whose house is this?"

Tom looked at me, "This house is what Luna and Mom decided you needed. We did however stop them from furnishings it. Right now your house is a blank slate. The walls are all off white. It also has an in-law suite which was originally going to be for your security, but I think would be a good place for Dave to stay instead."

"Let me go see this house." We then walked inside. I see a living room, formal dining, lounge, library, family room, exercise room, kitchen, theater room, several bedrooms, pool, sauna, changing room, have an in-law suite, plus there is a maid's suite, laundry room and 4 car garage. That has a new minivan plus my Beetle in it."

"Dad got you the mini-van. He figured only the safest for you and the pups." Ryan says.

"I can see myself using the family room and kitchen. Then the master suite plus one bedroom for the pups when they get older." I sigh, "this house is huge."

"We tried to tell them that, but at least you can choos your own decoration and furniture." Tom said, "while this house is being furnished your room at mom and dad's is where you will continue to be staying until you order all the furniture is in place. Plus they have Dave in their guest room."

"They do realize it is just me and the twins?"

"They are already planning a second chance party."

"I am not ready for that."

"They know that but the plans are in place for when you are. Also they did move Dave into their guest room."

"Well, I have to go get officially checked out by the pack doctor Plus, the pups will be discharged today. It will be nice having them with me. The doctor said there are still small. That I was actually only 19-1/2 weeks when they induced my labor."

We get to the hospital and Doctor Grant examines me. Both the pups and I are given the all clear to head home. I will be bringing Alpha Liam's pup home with me too. I will be nursing him with my own pups. Just as I start to head to get the pups I get linked by Alpha Jason. "Ashley, I need you to come to my office before you grab the pups."

"Yes, Alpha."

I kiss the pups and sigh, "I will be back soon to bring you home." I then walk to the packhouse and go to the Alpha's office. When I get there he directs me into the conference room where I see 4 council: Sam, Julie, Carrol and Mason; lawyers: Ryan, Shane, Cameron; Alpha: Jason, Liam, Quinn, Dave, Charlie, and John; and my parents. Alpha Jason says "Ashley, have a seat. The council came to give you the official verdict plus we need to inform you of some other things."

I sit down between Mom and Ryan. "What is going on?"

Councilmen Sam replies, "we had officially come to give you the findings. Jace was found guilty and his sentence was going to be announce once the doctor cleared you to return. However, after Mackenzie was stripped of her powers and sent back to join her mate in prison. He attacked and killed her. Then committed suicide. He left a letter that he had delivered to Councilman Carrol."

Councilman Carrol stands and starts reading it aloud...


I first of all need to formally apologize to you. When I was holding my son, Seth in my arms it hit me that I had wronged you. When I heard what Alice and Mackenzie has done to you and the others I felt like my soul was ripped. What if  this had happened to my child. If my son had been nearly ripped out of my arms by a heartless person who wanted to split up families.

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