Chapter 6 - The Few Pt. 4/4

Start from the beginning

Duxford Control: "Duxford Leader, this is Duxford Control, bogeys to your port and directly below you, vector 3-2-0. There are also friendly squadrons joining you on your starboard."

Douglas: "Roger, Duxford Control. All flights, engage."

Aaron: "Roger, Duxford Leader. Red Flight, engaging. Red 3 and 4, split up into pairs just as we've practiced."

Jimmy/Dickie: "Roger, Red Leader."

     Dickie and Jimmy then broke away from the formation, diving down on the enemy, me and Aaron followed suit, I managed to set my aim on a He 111 and fired a burst of 5-6 seconds on it, the bomber exploded right on the spot, with me barely avoiding its debris.

     I pulled hard on my stick, doing a stall turn before engaging a Bf 110, the Bf 110 pilot banked hard to starboard, I did the same, out turning him in the process, the Bf 110 rear gunner tried to fire at my Hurricane, all of the shots missed a...

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     I pulled hard on my stick, doing a stall turn before engaging a Bf 110, the Bf 110 pilot banked hard to starboard, I did the same, out turning him in the process, the Bf 110 rear gunner tried to fire at my Hurricane, all of the shots missed and I fired back a short burst into the Bf 110, it went down in flames.

     I lost sight of my brother Aaron, however I regained contact with him after I saw him on the tail of a Bf 109, he shot it down, I positioned my aircraft to his starboard.

Aaron: "Red 2, take the lead, I will be covering you."

Y/n: "Aye, Red Leader."

     I went ahead of Aaron's plane and just as I was regaining my altitude, I found myself head to head with a He 111, I attacked it head on, I managed to evade the He 111 frontal defensive armament, however one of the bullets passed through the cockpit, barely missing me by an inch, I fired a burst of 5-6 seconds into the canopy of the He 111, the canopy was completely shattered and the He 111 went down.

     By now, it was a complete mess of dogfights between RAF and Luftwaffe fighters, I almost collided with another Hurricane while banking to starboard, a 109 dived and bounced on me, his bullets struck my port wing, hitting the self-sealing fuel tank, I performed a corkscrew dive just in time to evade the rest of his bullets.

     His aircraft got right in front of me just as I got out of the dive, I fired a short burst of 3-4 seconds at him, his Bf 109 was now a burning wreck, he bailed out just as time, I looked at him as I flew past his parachute, he was staring at me.

     Soon after, a Bf 109 got on my tail, I tried to bank to the right to lure him into following me into a turn fight, however he instead dived, he then climbed , regaining altitude then tried to attack me from above again, however I have a trick up on my sleeves.

     Just as he got into his firing range, I pulled my aircraft up hard, climbing to meet the attack head on, he broke off the attack. I used the Hurricane's superior maneuverability to get on his tail before he gets to dive.

     I fired a burst of 5-6 seconds into the 109, pieces fell off its wing and dense white smoke and vapour came out of the 109, the 109 then went into a violent spin, there were no signs of the pilot bailing out of the falling 109.

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