Chapter 13

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-???'s POV-
   I flew through the barrier and landed on the rotting dock, folding in my violet purple wings as I landed. "Hello, Miss. Dragon. It's a pleasure to see you again." Captain Blackskull said bowing before me.
"Yes yes good to see you too, now is Phase 1 of our plan ready?" I ask.
"Yes of course. Would you like me to send them out now?" He said.
"No. Wait until morning, my nephew won't know what hit 'im," I said cackling afterward. "Soon Auradon with be all mine and those wretched royal brats will all feel my wrath." I whipped my head to stare at a Blackskull. "And you will not fail me, correct?"
Blackskull paled. "N-No ma'am."
I looked away. "Good. In about 12 hours. I will come back to see if the sirens captured Prince Patton. In the meantime I will continue spying on the traitorous Isles kids, to make sure they won't interfere with my plans. Well, goodbye for now. Oh! One more thing, tell them I will pay one hundred gold bars if they can get me, Prince Patton." With a nod from Blackskull, I opened my wings and flew out of the barrier, flying over the forest and landing in a clearing.
I was the same clearing my nephew and fire boy was in that one night and they seemed to have revisited it. In about the center there was an unlit campfire. The wood was charred and there was a box of matched near the woodpile.
I roll my eyes and start walking to my hideout that is deeper in the woods. It is a medium-sized cabin. It's not a castle, but it will have to do for now.
I lay down on the bed and soon drift off to a dreamless sleep.
-Patton's POV-
It was the next morning and I and my friends were having breakfast. The blood ran cold as the alarms sounded. Before anyone could go anywhere the wall exploded and three sirens floated through the hole, cackling.
    "Hello, you royal brats!" The leader screeches. Screams echoed through the cafeteria, causing the sirens to laugh. "Anyway, will Prince Patton stand and make himself known."
    A lump formed in my throat. "What do I do?" I whispered to the others.
   "I don't know. If you stand up they could hurt you, but if you don't they could hurt others." Roman mumbled.
   "It's a lose-lose situation," Virgil added.
   I sigh and hold my head in my hands for a moment. "I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN. PRINCE PATTON WHITE MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN OR ELSE!" The siren on the left stuck her left hand out and Emile flung into her grasp. If looks could kill, she would be dead and Remy would be the cause.
   I took a deep breath a stood up. "What are you doing?!" Roman whisper yelled.
   "Hopefully the right thing," I mutter back.
   The leader had a look of satisfaction. "Almost too easy." She sneered. "Put the brat down."
   The left siren rolled her eyes but put Emile down. My thoughts eased a bit. "What do you want from me?"
   "Ooh! What a very adorable question." The right siren mocked.
   "Isn't it obvious? We want money!" The left siren said.
   "But why not go to my parents?" I ask.
   The leader scoffed. "Because if we give you to our leader, she will give us one hundred gold bars."
   "I can call my parents and get you one hundred gold bars if you like. You don't have to bring me to 'her'." I said taking a step back.
   "Hmm....let me think about it...NO!" The leader said as the right siren lunged at me. I yelped, but a fireball hit her square in her chest, knocking her to the ground. Her chest bubbled like it was melting.
   The cafeteria turned into a frenzy. People were trying to evacuate as soon as possible.
   I was so distracted by what was going on I didn't realize the left siren flying towards me until she picked me up by my torso. I screamed and flailed as we flew towards the ceiling. "HELP ME!" I screamed. "LOGAN! ROMAN! VIRGIL! ANYONE!" I had already started sobbing at that point.
   "Quiet!" The siren snapped, but I continued to kick, hit, struggle, and scream to try and get her to put me down.
   I could see my friends fighting the head of the three and the siren that was in the right. Logan was firing fireballs at the head siren. Virgil was trying to stab the right siren with his dagger. Roman and Remus were doing the best they could with sword/mace fighting with whichever siren was closest. Janus and Remy were working on getting the rest of the people out. Emile must have been taken to the nurse's office.
   A soft, soothing lullaby drifted into my ears. I slowly stopped flailing and screaming. My eyelids began to droop. I fought to stay awake. "No..." I muttered shaking my head. Eventually, exhaustion won and I fell asleep. Being carried off to who knows where.
-Logan's POV-
   The battle continued. I managed to hit the right one a few more times and she melted into nothing. The supposed leader of the group was harder to hit. We had barely made a scratch.
   Soon Remy and Janus joined us. With Remy's spells and Janus' hypnotism, I was able to hit the leader siren and finally kill her.
   I took a quick breath but immediately looked up searching the ceiling for Patton and the siren. Nothing. "Gamó! (Fuck!)" I exclaimed.  (The language is Greek by the way.) "They took Patton."
   "Where would they take him?" Roman asked worriedly. 
   The ground rumbled and a crack formed in the middle of where we are standing. It was growing quickly growing. We all spread apart quickly.
   I crossed my arms and glared at the crack as it opened up and my father, my mother, and my 5-year-old sister rose from the hole. "Hey, kid!" My dad said. The crack sealed beneath them like it was never there.
   "Woah..." I heard Remus and Roman mumble.
   "What are you doing here?" I asked returning my face to normal.
   "We just came here to visit." My mother said smiling softly.
   I sighed. "Mother, I love you, but this isn't a good time. If you can't tell by the hole in the wall we were just attacked and a close...friend of mine was kidnapped during the fight."
   My father raised his eyebrow. "Just a friend?"
   My sister, Ember, giggled and started singing. "Logan has a boyfriend! Logan has a boyfriend!" Over and over again.
   "He isn't my boyfriend." I insisted on my face feeling a bit warm.
   "Bullshit!" Remus and Roman said at the same time.
   "They kinda have a point Lo. You open up towards him, you smile a lot more when he's around, you sit by him a lot, and I have caught you multiple times staring at him, so don't even try to deny it."  Virgil stated.
   I stared at the ground. I knew he was right and the fact that they took Patton hurt more than I let on.
   My sister walked up to me and looked up at me. "Why are you crying LoLo?"
   I wiped the tears off my face and crouched down to her height. "I just miss him, I guess..."
   "You never guess," Ember said. We were both silent for a moment before he hugged me. "I miss you."
   I gently hug back. "I miss you too."
   We separated and Ember looked me in the eye. "Go save your prince."
   "I will," I say standing up. Ember walked back to Mom and hugged her waist. "Now, what was the actual reason you came here?"
   My father shrugged. "Call it a hunch." Was all he said before they left.
   I looked around at everyone. They seemed mildly surprised that I had started crying or it was meeting my parents or a mixture of both. Whatever the reason is it doesn't matter. "So, are we going to start making a plan to rescue Patton or what?"

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