Chapter 11

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-Patton's POV-
   We finished the lap and grouped up in the field. "Today we are going to sword fight and archery," Most of the girls groaned. "You will be split into two groups. The first group will sword fight and the second will do archery. I have already split your brats into groups. Group 1 is Mei, Thomas, Vanessa,..." He continued listing off names. Me, Logans, Remy, and Emile's names were amongst the names. Luckily Finn isn' in our group, but I hope his fangirls keep him busy so Virgil won't have to deal with him.
"Group 2 Alexander, Angelica, Eliza,.." He rattled the names of the people in Group 2. Among the names were Virgil, Roman, Remus, and Janus.
"The swords, bows, and arrows are on that table over there," Coach Phil pointed towards a table. "Now don't wake me unless someone is bleeding or we are being attacked." I saw some students shiver. I guess Cerberus really scared them.
Coach Phil walk over to a shaded area and curled up into a ball. The rest of us went to pick what we needed.
I grabbed a sword, but the sword was heavier than expected so I dropped it and I sadly fell with it. "Ugh! Why me?!"
I heard are scoff behind me. I quickly get up and turn around. There they were. My parents. You could obviously tell there was a huge age gap between them. It is honestly embarrassing, but no the less I bowed and so did the others around me. "Mother. Father. What brings you to my gym class?"
"We heard you were doing sword fighting and archery and we wanted to see you in...action." My father said. He said action as if he wasn't expecting me to be any good, which I wasn't. It still stung though.
I forced a smile anyway. "Ok! There are benches over there if you'd like or you could sit on the bleachers."
"We'll sit on the benches sweetheart." My mother said happily.
They turned to leave and I let out the breath of air I was holding, but the stress didn't go away. I went to join the rest of my group.
We all partnered up and started sword fighting. I asked Logan to be my partner since he seemed to know what he was doing.
We started to fight and in a matter of seconds my sword was knocked out of my hands and I was on the ground with the tip of Logan's sword at my throat. Logan removed his sword and said. "Tou doesn't know what you doing, do you?"
I sighed as I grabbed my sword and stood up. "No...I don't." I admitted.
"I could teach you," Logan said.
"Yeah. I've had a lot of experience." Logan said turning his wrist to make my sword turn in a circle. "So, you know how to hold a sword, right?" I nodded. He then started explaining and demonstrating the basics. "Now you try." Logan finished wiping sweat off of his forehead.
I followed what Logan said, getting more and more frustrated each time I failed. On top of that, I was exhausted and my parents were looking disappointed in me.
   "Let's take a water break," Logan said.
   "No, I have to get this right."
   "We have been at this for 20 minutes and you look exhausted."
   "But....but..." I sigh. "Fine..." We walk over to where we placed our water bottles. We rest and drink water.
Magically, a bell rang. I guess that means we switch activities. Our groups put our supplies back and grab the other group's supplies.
   We all grabbed our bows and a couple of arrows and headed off to archery.
-Roman's POV-
   The bell rang signaling that the groups needed to switch. Our group put our bows on the table and arrows in the container. Then we all grabbed a sword and partnered up. Finn went to ask Virgil to be his partner, but before he could I asked him. I may or may not have glared at him as we walked away, sorry not sorry.
   We chose a shaded area close to some trees. Virgil and I put our swords up and started fighting. After a little bit, I was able to knock Virgil's sword out of his hand and he fell backward. "Not bad Princey," Virgil said grabbing my hand and hoisting himself up.
   I smirk. "You're not so bad yourself Emo," I got in a ready position. "Now prepare to lose again."
   Virgil rolled his eyes and did the same. "Nu-uh You are going down this time."
   And with that, we started fighting. There were a few close calls but in the end, Virgil fulfilled his promise.
   "Ha! I told you!" Virgil said triumphantly."
   "Whatever. Best out of three?" I ask getting into a ready position.
   "Sure, the class is almost over anyway," Virgil said getting into a ready stance.
   Virgil attacked first, putting me in defense. I blocked or sidestepped all of his shots. Soon he messed up, giving me a chance to attack which would put him on defense.
   He backed you and I moved forward. A couple of times I messed up and he was able to attack.
   We continued to fight until Virgil's back was against a tree and my sword was lined up with his neck. if Virgil's sword were to move that would give me the chance to slit his throat, but of course, I'm not going to do that. We were also really close together, which made Virgil blush. "You're blushing," I remarked.
   "Shut up! It's a sunburn."
   "We are in the shade."
   "It's from all this sword fighting."
   "Are you sure that's the entire reason? That it's not because I'm standing so close to you?"
   "D-definitely not." Virgil's blush darkened.
   I lowered my sword and backed away. "Very well then. But I won our two out of three swords fighting competition."
   We both laughed. "I'll win next time. Just you wait Prince Charming." Virgil said.
   "I'm counting on it," I said just before the bell rang. I look over to where Patton's parents had been sitting, they were gone now, but I caught a glimpse of their disappointed looks towards Patton.
"What was with those two royal people? They were giving Patton disappointed looks the entire time." Virgil said as we put away our swords.
"Those were Patton's parents. They want Patton to be more 'manly'. They want him to be saving princesses, but Patton told me he often thought of himself as the 'princess' in need of saving." I said as we walked to the locker room.
   "Wow...." Virgil said grabbing his clothes.
   I grabbed my clothes and we hit the showers. After I got dressed, I waited outside for everyone else.
   After everyone changed, we went to me and Patton's room to watch movies a do our homework.
   When we were all done with our homework and the last movie finished, everyone but me and Patton went back to their room.

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