Chapter 3

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-Logan's POV-
Patton and Roman seem to be nice enough. I won't let down my guard down completely but just enough to relax a little. I'm sure Virgil is the same. Patton gives us a warm smile. "Well we should show you around. I'm sure the limo driver told you but if he didn't, your parents already packed your things and they are in your dorm."
"Wait we have dorms?" Virgil asked.
"Yep and you two share the same dorm so you don't need to worry." Patton said.
Virgil let out a breath. He has always had heightened anxiety and that always made causing trouble a little difficult but it's usually before we start trouble. During and afterwards he has gained confidence so he isn't worried about the mayhem we caused. We were well known back at the Isle. Popular as some people might put it and I have a feeling we will be the center of attention but not in a good way.
Patton and Roman start walking inside. Virgil and I follow behind them as they start the tour.
-Time Skip-
We just got done with the tour and Virgil and I are in our dorm getting settled in. I take our my leather covered journal and start writing.
Day 1
Today Virgil and I came to Auradon. So far we have met two seemingly nice people. First was Patton. He is the son of Snow White. He is an emotional person from what I can tell. He's actually kind of cute. The second one was Roman. He is the son of Cinderella. From what I can tell he loves theater and jousting. I think he may have caught feelings for my dear friend Virgil, but only time will tell if that's true. We were given a tour of the school and I could tell Virgil wasn't paying attention to what they were saying so I will help him when the time arises.
I close my journal and put it in the top drawer in my desk. I heard a bell ring and saw Virgil jump. "That must be telling the students that class is over or a class is starting." I explain. Virgil seemed to calm down knowing we aren't under attack.
   Patton told us that we were free to explore even more or just stay in our dorm but he told us if we do decide to go exploring, he told us not to go to the forest. When I asked why, he said he didn't know and that it has always been a rule. Of course, now I'm interested in the forest. Like what could be so dangerous that they prohibit any student from going there? Is it even dangerous? What does it look like? So many questions with no answers.
"Hey Virgil, you know how Patton said that we shouldn't go into the forest?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?" Virgil questioned.
"Do you want to explore it Friday?" I said.
"Heck yeah!" Virgil exclaimed smirking mischievously. "Oh I before I forget to ask, Logan how are you doing with your addiction?"
I have a fire addiction. It started when I was younger, I always liked the way fire looked and would set small pieces of wood on fire when I wanted to see it. It also likely ties to the fact that I'm immune to any type of fire. "It's doing fine. I haven't set anything on fire and I haven't had the urge to yet." I tell him. Virgil nods and goes back to drawing in his sketch book.
-Time Skip To The Next Day-
   I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. Annoyed at the alarm, I got out of bed and went to my closet. Virgil and I each have our own closet and bed, but we share a bathroom.
   I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. I take a shower, put my close on, brush my teeth and hair, then walk out of the bathroom. Virgil seemed to be just getting up. "Good morning Virgil. I hope you got some sleep and didn't stay up late worrying."
   "How'd you know?" Virgil asked sarcastically.
   I sighed. "Virgil it's not healthy for you to stay up late."
   "Whatever." Virgil said taking his clothes and heading to the bathroom. I sit on my bed and wait for Virgil to finish getting ready.
   I hear the bathroom door unlock and Virgil came out. "Are you ready for our first day?" I ask.
   "No but what choice do we have." Virgil said.
   "Technically we do have a choice, we could skip but to get a good education you need to go to all of your classes." I said. "And no, we are not skipping." I added on when Virgil perked up.
   "Damn it!" Virgil exclaimed. Suddenly there was a knock on our door.
   "I'll get it." I told Virgil then got up from my bed and walked over to our door. I opened the door to see Patton standing there smiling up at me since I was at most a head taller than him.
   "Hi Logan! I forgot to give you two your schedules. They are the same as mine and Roman's so you'll have two familiar faces in each class." Patton said in his normal bubbly attitude.
   "Thank you Patton." I take the schedules that he was offering to me. "Would you like Virgil and I to accompany you while walking to class?"
   "Sure! Roman's just fixing his hair. Roman and I are actually your neighbors." Patton said pointing to the door on the left side of our door.
   The door opens and Roman walks out. Roman walks over to Patton and I. "Hey Patton, Hey Logan," Roman looks over my shoulder. "Hey Virgil."
   In response to being greeted by Roman, Virgil hisses like a cat. I sigh. "Virgil, you can't hiss at people who greet you."
   "Ok, MOM." Virgil said sarcastically.
   "That doesn't make sense. I'm not a female and you are not my child. I don't have a child." I said.
   Virgil rolled his eyes and walked over to where we were standing. "So are we gonna just stand here and talk or are we gonna go to class, ugh I hate class."
"Oh come on kiddo you haven't even gone to one class." Patton said.
"Kiddo?" Virgil said confused.
"Just go with it." Roman said. "Anyways we should get going before we're late."
And with that we started walking down the hallways. Other students were avoiding us like we were some disease that would kill them if we touched them. I didn't mind but for some reason I got this unpleasant feeling in my chest. I'll have to ask Virgil about it later. We finally get to our first class. English. Not my favorite but to get a good education, unfortunately, it is needed.
At our old school we didn't get much of an education, kids mostly just skipped or didn't pay attention.
We walked into the classroom. Patton greeted the teacher then Virgil and I headed to the back off the class in contrast to Roman and Patton who sat in the row third from the front of the class.
After a minute, more students come in. Virgil and I are in the back corner kind of in the shadows. I hope that no one comes and sits next to us. Luckily no one wanted to sit next to us, Patton seemed to notice this and whispered something to Roman. They both got up from where they were sitting and walked up the stairs to where we are sitting. "Hi Logan. Would you mind if we sit with you?" Patton asked.
"Not at all Patton." I said. Patton sat in the chair next to me and Roman sat in the chair on the other side of Patton.
I could hear people start to whisper but was quickly stopped by the loud bell signaling that class has begun.

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