Chapter 10

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-Emile's POV-
   Virgil, Remy, and I quickly walk up the spiral staircase to the observatory. Our sixth period was Study Hall, so we were allowed to go to the observatory.
   We all split up and began to look at the shelves. I found three books on mythical creatures in the fiction section. They were pretty heavy so I found an open table and set my books down. I opened up one of the books and started searching, carefully reading through the text of possible creatures.
   I didn't notice Remy approaching until he plopped his books down, startling me. "Sorry babes!" Remy apologized, taking the seat next to me. His books were about magical creatures we know already exist.
   "It's ok," I said slightly blushing.
   "Ugh, am I going to be third wheeling you two the entire time?" Virgil complained, sitting down in front of Remy.
   I blushed, even more, not daring to look at Remy. "What are you talking about?" I asked pushing up my glasses.
   "Oh, nothing.....Anyway let's get to work before the period is over," Virgil said. "So what do we know about this animal?"
   "It has purple eyes, it can inflict pain, sings this high pitch song, and......huh.....I guess that's it." Remy said.
   "Well it's good at hiding, I didn't see anything other than its eyes," I say. "OH! And it's nocturnal."
   "What's nocturnal mean?" Remy asked. 
   "It means the creature is awake only during the night," I explain.
   "So...Virgil's nocturnal," Remy said smirking mischievously at Virgil, who glared back in response.
   "I don't stay up that late," Virgil said defensively.
   "Oh really? What time did you go to bed last night?" Remy asked. Virgil mumbled something we couldn't hear. "Your gonna have to speak up." Remy pushed.
   "...... 12 AM......" Virgil admitted.
   "Virgil! That is not healthy! Why were you up so late?" I say.
   "I wassss.....more or less drunk," Virgil said. "But! Guess what I saw?"
   This grabbed Remy and I's attention. "What?" Remy asked.
   "I saw Remus ask Janus out on a date.," Virgil said. Remy let out a little squeal of happiness before getting shushed by someone at a nearby table. "But, get this, Janus was wasted. So when Remus asked Janus on a date, Janus said yes then passed out."
   "Please, tell me Remus caught him," Remy said excitedly.
   Virgil smiled and said. "He did. And carried him bridal style back to his room." Remy started squealing like a fangirl would if their OTP just kissed.
   I just smiled. Then I remembered that we are here to research. "Guys, Remus, and Janus are cute and all, but we have 45 minutes left of 6th period."
   "Oh, right!" They both said in unison before opening their books and started reading.
-Time Skip to 30 minutes later-
   I had finished going through my third book. I had a small notebook that I used to keep track of important things out and I made a list of all the possible creatures that have traits of the mysterious purple-eyed creature. The list wasn't very long but it was a start.
   I yawn and stretch, my back cracking slightly. "What have you guys found so far?" I ask.
   "Honestly not much. Just dragons and sirens." Remy said.
   "I only found sirens," Virgil said.
   "I found Werewolves, a certain jaguar species, and as you two said before dragons and sirens," I said.
   Virgil sighed. "We can research more tomorrow, but for now let's head back to the classroom."
   Anf with that we walked back to the classroom. All three of us sat in an open seat at the table our friends were at. "Where were you three?" Roman asked.
   "The observatory. We wanted to learn about something." Remy said.
   I covered my mouth as I yawned. My head falls to one side and lands on someone's. "I'm tired."
"Babes we still have to gym," Remy said looking down at me. I then realized who's shoulder I was laying on.
   I blushed and lifted my head off of his shoulder. "Sorry..." I mumbled.
   "You don't have anything to be sorry for Em. You were tired and probably not thinking straight." Remy said.
"I'm not straight," I said causing everyone including myself to laugh.
The teacher tapped a ruler on the table. "Boys! Quiet down! Other people are trying to work." She snapped.
Me, Roman, and Patton stared down at the table in shame. "Sorry Miss." The teacher didn't say anything and just walked away.
"Bitch." I hear Remy mutter under his breath.
The bell rang and we all made our way the locker rooms. We all quickly changed into our gym uniforms. Our class didn't even make it all the way on to the field when Coach Phil yells. "Jog a lap!"
   All of us grumble and start jogging. I see Finn jog up next to Patton who was having a conversation with Logan and Roman.
-Patton's POV-
   "Heeeeeey Cutie." I hear a familiar voice say.
   "What do you want Finn?" I ask trying not to sound annoyed.
   "You." He stated with a wink. "Anyway, are you free this Saturday?"
   "No sorry, I have chores to do." I lied.
   "Maybe-" He started but Roman cut him off. 
   "Finn, take a hint. He doesn't want to go on a date with you."
   Finn rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Fine, you're no fun. I bet other girls and guys would go on a date with me. After all, I am the hottest guy in school."
   "Not to me," I mumble.
   "Excuse me?" Finn question. He must have heard me. Finn scoffed again. "Well in your eyes if I'm not the hottest (even though I am) who is the hottest guy in school?"
   "Logan," I state.
   Finn gaped. "Logan, as in the Isle kid? Ha! Please he is like the furthest for hot."
"Don't you remember when the three-headed dog interrupted gym class and when his hair lit on fire," I said giggling at my joke.
Finn looked confused for a second before getting the joke. "That's—That's not what I meant."
"I know what you meant. I just couldn't resist. Anyway, I'm going to get back to my conversation. Bye." I said turning back to Logan and Roman. We were halfway around the track.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Finn jog over to Virgil. "This should be interesting." Logan to no one in particular.
-Virgil's POV-
Janus, Remus, and I were teasing Emile about Remy when I hear an unfamiliar voice. "Heeeeeey Hot Stuff." The guy said winking. He has brownish-reddish hair that is styled so it's out of his face. Speaking of his face, his face was perfectly symmetrical, it was like it was crafted from the gods. He had sky blue eyes and he seemed pretty muscular.
I already didn't like this guy, I mean he doesn't even know my name. Roman would have at le- wait.....forget I said anything. "Who are you and what do you want?" I snapped.
"Woah Woah Woah, calm down Princess, and to answer your question. My name is Finn Bolt, son of Hercules." He said flexing his muscles.
   I gave the most unimpressed look. "Is that supposed to "wow" me because you failed at doing that." But that also makes sense why he has an attractive face.
   He looked shocked and a tad bit offended. "Excuse me! I will have you know I am the hottest and most popular person in this school. Everyone loves me!"
   "And by everyone do you mean the group of girls that drool over the sight of you. If so, then yes everyone loves you." I say sarcastically. "Now fuck off, and leave me alone."
   "Awwww cmon darling, don't be like that," Finn said flirtatiously.
   I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I'm not interested. You need to get that through that thick head of yours and understand that. Now, Fuck. Off." I said bluntly.
   Finn reluctantly jogged away, probably to bother some other poor girl or guy. I let out a sigh of relief. If that guy is going to keep bothering me, then this is going to be a long year.

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