Chapter 16 (Part 2)

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Warnings: discrimination, angry Patton, homophobia
-Logan's POV-
We walk in and I see all the parents of the kids at school. In one corner were the villains. We all walk over to them. "Hey, kid! Long time no see," Father said.
"Hello, Father," I said. Ember peaks around my mother.
Patton noticed and gave her a smile and a little wave. Ember waved back and stepped out from behind my mom. "Are you Patton?"
"That's me," Patton said grinning.
"Are you and LoLo dating?" Ember asked innocently. I turned red. "Why are your faces red?" Ember looked mischievous.
"Ember, stop it," I said. She giggled evilly.
-Roman's POV-
I chuckle at Logan and Patton as Logan's little sister teased them. "Are you ready to meet my mother?" Virgil said drawing my attention away from the lovebirds.
"Yeah!" I said kissing Virgil on the cheek. Virgil and I walked over to a woman with black horns on her head, a black dress, pale skin, red lipstick, and sharp black nails. I bowed. "My name is Prince Roman Charming."
"You better be treating Virgil right, or else." Maleficent threatened.
"Mom!" Virgil whined. "He's treating me right. Roman would never hurt me."
Maleficent looked me up and down. "You seem respectful. I'll allow you to continue to date my son, but if you break his heart I will break your face."
I paled and nervously laughed. "Of course."
-Janus' POV-
Remus and I walk up to my dad. "Wassup Janus' dad," Remus said putting up the peace sign.
I roll my eyes and lightly slap him. My dad laughed. "You two seem to be getting along well."
Remus pinched my cheek, but it bit at it. "Yeah, we are getting along great." Remus kissed my cheek.
-Remy's POV-
I blush as Emile laughed at a joke I told him. "Hello, Remy." My dad said stepping out of the shadows.
"Sup Dad," I said.
"Who's this?" My dad said nodding towards Emile. "Your boyfriend?"
I flushed scarlet. "No, no, this is Emile and we're just friends," I said trailing off.
   A bell rang and the room quieted. Patton's parents were standing by the door. "Since we have called this council meeting so early and on such short notice, we would like to offer you all breakfast." The door opened, showing a long table.
We all walked in and took our seats. Severs came by and took all of our orders. I sat next to Emile and this girl named Teresa. I think she's the daughter of Anna. The all couples sat next to each other. Patton wanted to sit next to Logan, but his parents took him to the adult side of the table.
"So Emile, how long have you known Patton?" I ask.
"Since we were kids. Why do you ask?"
"Have his parents always been like that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, have they always pushed him to be more 'manly', and have they always hated the Isles kids?"
"Yes to both of those questions. They think that him being gay is just a phase and when he meets the right women he'll get over it."
I cringed. "That's awful."
Emile nodded.
   The servers came around with our food.
-Time Skip to after breakfast-
    After breakfast, we went into the room to the right, which was where the council meeting will be held.
   "I'm sorry, but I can't sit with you. I need to be by my parents up there." Emile said pointing to the elevated table.
   In the center of the table sat Thomas and his parents. They must be the head council members. On their left sat Patton and his parents. On their left sat Emile and his parents. Roman, Remus, and their parents sat next to Patton's family.
    I sat down next to Virgil. We were sitting in the first row with our parents in the rows behind us.
The discussion started. "Prince Patton," Belle said. "Why did you want children from the Isle to come to our school?"
   "I wanted them to have a chance at having a good education."
   "But ever since they got here bad things have been happening on school grounds," Ariel stated. "Plus, they have been saying rude things and cursing."
"Yeah, I have to agree." Snow White said.
"Hold on, just because sirens attacked the school while they were here doesn't mean they were the ones who caused them to attack," Roman said standing up.
"Please, sit down Prince Roman," Belle said calmly. "Prince Patton weren't you kidnapped by the sirens."
"Yeah bu-"
"And wasn't Maleficent's sister behind it?"
"Yeah but-"
"And you think being friends with the son of Maleficent, whose aunt tried to take over your kingdom, is a good idea and those other Isles kids should be able to come to Auradon?"
"Of course, and it wasn't Virgil's fault I was kidnapped. He had no clue about it! None of them did." Patton said.
"YOU WERE WHAT?!" Snow White shouted in surprise.
"Princess Snow White I'm going to have to ask you to calm down," Belle said.
"I think we should let them stay. They haven't caused anyone any harm. Also, we would be tearing apart their relationship." Cinderella said.
"But that Hades kid could cause harm. He could burn down the school in a fit of rage!" Snow White said accusingly.
"No, he wouldn't! Logan is smart and knows how to control his fire powers. He even saved me from the spell Melissa put me under." Patton said.
   They all went back and forth, discussing what to do with us. "We will know do an anonymous vote. All the council members walked single file through a door behind them.
   Emile dashed over to me the second the door closed. He looked worried. "I'm nervous about what they are going to say."
   "I'm nervous too," I said looking at Roman and Virgil exchanging hugs and kissed, Remus and Janus were doing the same thing. Roman looked to be muttering encouraging words to the anxious Virgil. Patton and Logan were just hugging.
   The door started opening so I gave Emile a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, then he, Patton, Roman, and Remus sprinted back to their seats.
   "We have all voted. The final verdict is..." Belle opened the card. "The Isles kids will be sent back to the Isles. They are just too dangerous for other students to be around."
   "What! No, they're not! When have they ever been a danger to other students!" Patton yelled.
   "I'm sorry bu-"
   "NO, YOU'RE NOT!" A giant spike of ice shot up from the ground and surrounding rows turned into ice causing people to stand up.
   Patton was as white as a sheet. He looked at his hands then at the ice spike then back at his hands. Regaining a bit of color in his face Patton bolted out of the room with Logan right behind him.

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