Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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-Patton's POV-
   I knocked on the door to Fairy Godmother's office. I hear a cheerful "Come in!" And I open the door. "Good afternoon Patton! What can I do for you?" Fairy Godmother said.
   " happened at lunch. Nothing bad I promise." I start. I then explain to her about the portal and the other two Isle kids. "And I was hoping that they could stay. I mean they seem nice and Virgil's friends with them or at least knows them."
   Fairy Godmother closed her eyes. She looked deep in thought. "Fine, their room will be next to Logan and Virgil's. May I ask their names and who's kid they are so I can send them a message." She pulled out a little notepad out of her desk.
   "Of course! First there was Remy. He is the son of Dr. Facilier. Then there was Janus, Jan for short. He is the son of Kaa." I said.
   Fairy Godmother nodded. "Thank you Patton, you may go to class. And their schedule is the same as yours and Roman's."
   I gave a small bow and left to go tell the others. I turned the corner and saw someone I didn't want to see.
   Finn Bolt, son of Hercules. He is so full of himself and is the biggest flirt ever. The reason I don't want to see him is because he seems to flirt with me way more than anyone else and even though I have turned him down nicely multiple times.
   I keep walking and hope that he doesn't notice me. Sadly the world decided to curse me. "Hey Patton." Finn said.
   I didn't want to be rude so I said. "Hi Finn. I have somewhere important to be so I can't talk."
   I tried to speed walk passed but he grabbed my wrist pulling me back. "What could possibly be more important than me?" Finn asked.
   "A lot of things like my parents, my education, cookies, my friends, and much more. Now please let go of me." I said.
   Finn reluctantly let go of me wrist. "Fine. Bye cutie." Finn said with a wink.
   I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes and walk away. Thanks to him I have to speed walk there. I was planning on doing that anyway but that's besides the point. I walk into the mostly empty cafeteria and walk to the table where everyone else.
   "Good news! You are aloud to stay, Fairy Godmother will send a message to your parents and hopefully send over clothes." I said.
   "Yasssss! I get to stay in this palace of a school." Remy said.
   "Here follow us class is about to start." I said. We got up and hurriedly walked to our next class.
-Time Skip To Their Last Class-
   Ugh, I hate gym. Coach Phil is intense. Anyway I head to the locker room and change into my gym clothes, which was just a yellow t-shirt and blue shorts.
   I walk out on to the field and meet up with Roman and the others. Virgil, Logan, Remy, and Janus aren't in the gym uniform. I realize they must not have the uniform. "Hey guys, ready for gym. Also Coach Phil is kinda intense just to let you know." I said.
   "First it's 'kind of' not kinda and second thanks for telling us." Logan said.
   "You're welcome!" I said. I feel my heart flutter when Logan gave me a small smile. Gosh, am I really falling for him already?!
   "Alright! Run three laps!" Coach Phil said walking out on the the field.
   "Race you all!" Roman yelled to us before taking off.
   "You're on!" I yelled to him. I take of running after Roman. I could tell the others are right behind me cause there are multiple footsteps.
   After two laps we were on our last lap. So far I'm in the lead. I see where we started and put all my energy into sprinting these last few meters. I pass where we started and slowed myself down. I put both my hands up in fists and yell. "Victory is mine!"
   I hear Roman sigh in defeat. I giggle. "We should get water." Logan said.
   I nod and head to where I put my water bottle. I look around at all the other kids doing the same. I take a drink of water then put my water bottle down and head to the group of students in the field.
   All of us join the group as Coach Phil is explaining what we are going to today. "Today we are going to be horseback riding. For the new kids you might want a partner cause I don't think you know how to ride a horse."
   "What's a horse?" Janus asked.
   Remy smacked him upside the head. "We'll get to see one in a minute dummy."
   "Anyways, you can figure that out yourselves. The rest of you know how to ride a horse right?" Coach Phil said. Everyone including myself nodded. "Good now go to the stables, get your horse, and ride around the pasture."
   Everyone else walked to jogged to the stables. "So who's riding with who?" I ask.
   "We need two more people since only two of us here can ride a horse." Logan said.
   "I can get one of my friends to ride with one of you." I said.
   "And I can get my twin brother....just be warned he can be a bit.....eccentric but other than that he's ok." Roman said.
   "As long as they aren't jerks." Remy said.
   "Great! To the stables!" I say excitedly. We jog over to the stables. I spot Emile putting a saddle on his horse, Sugarcane.
   I hear three "woah"s behind me. "Hey Emile, you know those transfers from the Isle?" I ask Emile.
   "Yep." Emile said tightening the saddle around Sugarcane.
   "Well, I was wondering if you would let one of them ride with you." I ask hesitantly.
   "Sure!" Emile said. I smiled. I knew I could count on Emile. Me and Emile walked over to the others. Roman wasn't there so I assume he went to get Remus.
   "Hey guys! This is Emile. Another one of my friends." I say.
   Emile smiled at them. "It's nice to meet you all. Do you know who's riding with who yet?"
   "Roman is riding with Virgil and Patton is riding with Logan." Janus said.
"Hey guys, this is Remus. My twin brother." Roman said dragging his twin behind him.
"I can walk you know!" Remus said annoyed.
"I know, but you walk too slow." Roman said. "Anyway I need you to ride with one of these two." Roman pointed to Remy and Dee.
"I think I'll ride with Emile." Remy said.
"That leaves me with snake face." Remus said.
"My name is Janus." Janus said.
"Now that we have our partners let's go ride horses." I said.
Me and Logan walked over to my horse, Snowflake. I look at Logan's face, he looked curiously at Snowflake.
I giggle. "Don't worry, Snowflake here won't bite."
I grab a saddle and put it on Snowflake. I put my right foot in the foot holder and swing my left foot over. "Did you see what I just did?" I ask Logan. He nods. "Well I'm going to need you to do that. It's how you get on the horse." I explain.
"Ok." Logan said before getting on the horse.
"Yay! You did it!" I said happily. "Now you have to wrap your arms around me so you don't fall off."
I blush as I feel his arms wrap around my waist. I slightly kick the sides of Snowflake. Not enough to hurt but enough to tell her to move. "We are going to walk around and if you want to go faster just tell me." I said as we start walking out into the pasture where there are already people riding around.
I see Virgil and Roman walking around on Roman's horse, Pixie. Emile and Remy were trotting on Sugarcane. Remus and Janus were running on there horse. They all seem to be having a great time. "Hey Patton, can we go faster?" Logan asked.
"Sure. Do you wanna run or trot?" I say.
"Run." Logan said.
"Ok." I gave Snowflake a little kick and she sped up into a run. I feel Logan grip my waist a little tighter.
We rode around with the wind in our faces. The Isle kids seem to be having fun and
Everything was going just fine when suddenly I heard trees breaking and large footsteps.

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