Chapter 9

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-Remy's POV-
Emile and I walked into a small building, Emile said it was called a cafe. My nose was immediately hit with different smells. Everyone was looking at me like I was going to slaughter them all. Some looked at Emile like he was crazy, I mean who wouldn't you're standing next to the son of Dr. Facilier. "So what do you want?" Emile asked as we go to the counter.
   "I....don't know. Do you recommend anything?" I ask Emile.
   "Well their caramel iced coffee is really good. Oh! Their mocha frappucino is good too. You know what you can try both." Emile said.
   "You sure? You don't have too." I said.
   "But I want to and you can't stop me." Before I could argue any further Emile orders. "Two caramel iced coffees, one mocha frappucino, and one strawberry frappucino."
   "Coming right up!" The barista said taking the money Emile handed to them. Then turned to start making our drink.
We didn't have to wait long, after a couple of minutes our order was called out. We grabbed our drinks and walk back to the school. I start drinking the caramel one. I take a sip.
   "Wow....this is delicious! How have I lived before this!" I said amazed at how good the drink was. We walk into to the kitchen where Roman, Remus, Logan, Patton, Janus, and Virgil were getting ready to try these different foods. They looked like they came from outer space.
"Here you are Roman." Emile said handing Roman the strawberry frappucino.
   "Thanks Emile. I owe you one." Roman said.
   "One of what?" Logan asked.
"It's an expression Microsoft nerd." Roman said.
"Seriously. You too?" Logan complained.
"Quit complaining GPS tracker." Virgil said. We all laughed, well besides Logan who was rolling his eyes.
"Anyway what is all this?" I ask intrigued at the alien food that payed before me.
   "You four weren't there but a couple of days ago we made plans so y'all could try different food!" Patton said excitedly. He was practically bouncing up and down.
   I pick up a bowl that was filled with these pinkish-reddish squares. There was a liquid at the bottom of the bowl which I think is the juice. I put an entire one in my mouth. It was super juicy. "What is this? I ask Emile who giggled in response.
"That's watermelon." Emile said then he pointed to a green 3D oval with dark green stripes. "That's the watermelon before we cut it."
   "Woah.....that's weird." I said. We continued trying out different foods and either Roman, Patton, Emile or Remus would tell us what it was.
-Time Skip a couple of hours later- 
   We are sitting in Patton and Roman's room hanging out and doing our stupid homework. It should be a crime to have homework on weekends. Suddenly I heard a phone ding.
Roman picked up his phone. "Hey! Ethan is throwing a party tomorrow and the whole school is invited."
"Even us Isle kids?" Janus questioned, looking up from his small stack of homework.
Roman looked down at his phone. "I mean it doesn't say you can't come."
"Sweet! I need to prepare an outfit. Virgil, will you help me?" I say.
"Sure as long as you help me choose mine." Virgil said.
"Deal, so when does the party start?" I ask.
"6:30 and it's 4:25 right now so you have about 2 hours till the party." Roman said.
   I smile. "C'mon Virge! We've got a party to get ready for!" I said grabbing Virgil's hand and dragging him out the door and to me and Janus' room, leaving everyone else to get ready.
-Time Skip to Two Hours Later-
   We stood in front of a giant castle. I could faintly hear pop music blasting from their speakers. I wore a white long sleeve button up with my leather jacket, light gray ripped jeans, black high top converse, and—of course—my sun glasses.
Patton was bouncing up and down. "Eeeeeeeeeh! I'm so excited!" Patton wore a sky blue dress that stopped just above his knees, he also had white thigh high socks with sky blue shoes.
   "This party better have alcohol or else it is going to be boring." Janus said as we started up the stairs. Janus wore a black T-shirt with a yellow leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boot with yellow accents, and his bowler hat.
   "I wouldn't get your hopes up Janus, these princes and princesses probably don't know what alcohol even is." Virgil joked. Virgil wore a purple short sleeve button up shirt, his hoodie wrapped around his waist (which took a ton of convincing), black ripped jeans, black platform boots, and a bit of eyeliner to add on to the black eye shadow under his eyes.
"Hey! I know what alcohol is!" Roman exclaimed. Roman wore an white long sleeve button up with his red sash draped a crossed his chest, black dress pants, and red converse.
"Yeah! It's delicious." Remus said. Remus was wearing about the same thing as Roman but, his button up is black and his sash and converse are green.
"When have you had alcohol?!" Roman asked Remus.
"It was like three months ago," Remus said. "or maybe four months ago? I forget."
Roman and Remus continued to bicker all the way up the steps. "Will you two shut up!" Logan snapped. Logan wore a dark blue long sleeve button up with a black bow tie, black dress pants, and black shoes.
   "Guys, calm down! This is supposed to be a fun night." Emile said. Emile wore a pink long sleeve button up with a light blue tie, dark blue jeans and pink boots. He looked like cotton candy.
   I could hear the music a little better, you could almost feel the music through the doors. "Onward!" Roman said confidently. It was obvious that Romano was a party boy.
   We opened the doors. The ballroom was almost packed, everyone had a red solo cup filled with punch. I am hoping the punch is spiked.
   We all went our separate ways, merging into the crowd of royalty. Janus and Virgil head to the dance floor, while Remus, Roman, and I went to get some punch. Logan was sitting at a table monitoring Janus and Virgil. They tend to get pretty wild at parties. The Isle threw a lot. Patton was socializing with some of his other friends, so that left Emile.
   Emile looked uncomfortable, I'm guessing Emile is not a party person. He was awkwardly standing in one spot.
   I quietly sighed, chugged the rest of my drink (which, fortunately for me, was spiked), and made my way over to Emile. "Hey Emile."
Emile gave me a small smile. "Hey Remy."
"You look uncomfortable, why don't we go for a walk instead." I suggest.
   A look of relief washed over Emile. "Yes please."
   I grab Emile hand and pull him through the crowd and out the door. We quickly walk down the steps.
Emile and I walked around the courtyard. Occasionally I would look over at the forest the school didn't want us to go into. Which is kinda weird but maybe someone died in there and they didn't want anyone else to get hurt, who knows?
Once again I look back over at the forest only to be stared back at by two dark purple eyes. Then that's when I heard it. A simple yet bone chilling tune, it was high pitch but it wasn't annoying.
   I stop dead in my tracks and just stare. Emile must have seen it too because he was staring at the eyes as well.
   A sharp pain hit my head causing me to close my eyes and hold my head in my hands. When I opened my eyes the dark purple eyes were gone.
   I look over at Emile who looked between a mix of terror and confusion. "What........What was that?" Emile asked shakily.
   "I don't know but I think we should head back inside." I say. Emile's grip on  my hand tightened as we walked through the courtyard back into the party.
   "Where were you two?" Emile and I jumped but quickly calmed down once we saw it was Virgil. "Woah, are you two ok?"
   "Yes we are and to answer your other question we were taking a walk." I say as if I did see two mysterious purple eyes and hear a creepy high pitch tune.
   "Well that walk must have scared Emile. He's holding on to you hand pretty tight." Virgil said smirking as he pointed to our conjoined hands.
   I sigh. It was tough lying to Virge. "Fine. I'll tell you but you probably won't believe." Virgil made a noise signaling me to continue. "While we were walking we saw dark purple eyes staring at us." I said.
   "There was also a high pitch song or tune or whatever it was. It was scary." Emile added.
   "You guys saw it two?" Virgil asked in disbelief.
   "You've seen that thing before?!" I say surprised. "Do you know what it is?"
   "No, I honestly started to think I imagined it, but since you two have seen it we could work together to find out what this thing is." Virgil said. He sounded excited.
   "Cool! Tomorrow we could go to the library and see if their are any books on this thing." Emile said. "How about after lunch?" Virgil and I both agreed and we went back to partying.

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