Hard Work

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Izuku day in front of his mirror as he got ready for the morning. He combed his hair out and got dressed. He then put his favorite red shoes on, and a small coat, as it had been getting a little colder out. As he turned to face away from the mirror, he heard a small knock at the door. Izuku recognized the knock of that being his best friend Ochako. She was most likely waiting for Izuku to come out, but impatiently apparently.....

Izuku rushed over to the door and opened it. Of course, Ochako was there. And with a smile that went from ear to ear. Her hands were behind her back and she was rocking back and fourth on her toes and heel. "HI IZUKU!!!" She exclaimed. "Hi Uraraka!" Izuku said greeting his friend back. It was then that he noticed the talk betas presence. "Oh! And good morning to you, Iida!" He said, confused as to how Iida had snuck into the omegan part of the living quarters. He had a clothes pin on his nose, preventing him from smelling any of the other omegas scents in the building. Izuku thought it looked funny, but he was happy to see his two friends at the same time.

"Good morning to you as well, Midoriya!" He greeted back with a distorted voice from the clothes pin, still swinging his arms as he always did. Uraraka giggled at her mate. "Are you ready for your shift today! I know it's always your favorite." She asked the little omega. "O-of course, Uraraka!" He stuttered back almost shyly. He and Uraraka were assigned to organize the kitchen today. It was one of Izuku's favorite tasks. He loved seeing all of the pretty berries and fruit, as well as smelling the things the chef would cook around him as they worked. Sometimes he was even allowed to have some of the food that was in the kitchen.

The normal workers in the castle weren't usually fed from the castle kitchen, they had their own separate one closer to their living quarters. In there was made boring foods, that they of course ate happily with no complaints, it was food after all. But it would never come close to compare to the food that was made for the royal workers, or even the King and Queen. (Usually they are porridge like meals) The last time Izuku had a shift in the kitchen, was towards dinner time, and he had seen the beautiful and delicious smelling meals prepared for them. Sometimes it even made him jealous...

Despite that, he also loved just watching the chefs in general. He wanted to work in the kitchen before, but the committee had seen how clumsy Izuku was, and decided not to put him in a job that he would cause trouble in. And after a few failed attempts at other jobs, he was moved down to be a simple maid, as stated before. But he didn't mind the job. Especially when it held certain days that he loved, like this one!

He and Ochako always had the same shifts. They worked great together. It was nice for Izuku to have someone to be there with, and for Uraraka, it was nice to have Izuku there since she couldn't be with her mate during the workday. The two omegas made their way to their stations and got to work.

   Izuku headed over to organize the newly picked berries from the baskets. He loved looking at the vibrant red, pink and dark blue berries. He took out the raspberries, his favorite, rinsed them off in the sink, and placed them in their appropriate storage spaces. He proceeded to do this with the other berries until the job was finished. He and Uraraka then moved over to the large pile of dishes on the side of the counter. They took the clean dishes and put them in the large cupboards, and took the dirty ones over to the sink to properly clean them. Izuku didn't really like cleaning the dishes, as he often cut himself along a utensil of some sorts, or he might drop a plate or two every once in a while.

          As the chefs filed out of the kitchen to rest for the day, he grabbed a broom and began to sweep the tiled floor. Uraraka went in behind Izuku to mop them clean of any dirt that might've been stuck to the floor, or to get any food remnants off the tiles.
The two had the kitchen to themselves for a while, at least until the head cook walked in. "Good Morning, Young Midoriya." The older woman said. "And good morning to you too, Young Ochako." She added. The two did a small bow in response. Izuku shyly smiled. This chef was his favorite. She always said hi to the two and she was kind overall.

     "I've noticed you eyeing those berries there, young  man. You as well, Ochako." The elder laughed. The two sheepishly smiled, blushing a tad bit from embarrassment. She walked over to where the berries had been stored. She pulled out two small cloth baggies and filled them with the best berries she could pick out. Tying the bags shut with a black string, she handed them over to the workers. "You two have worked very hard today, and the days before I've seen you here. I think you've deserved this."

    "But miss-" Izuku started. "Yes yes, I know, but just don't tell anyone I gave you this and it's all fine by me. After all, we might need to go pick more anyway." The woman said before the omega got to finish. "Thank you so much!" Uraraka and Izuku both said in unison.

    The two stuffed the snacks into their pockets and went back to work. For about another hour, they worked together on tidying up the kitchen. Once they were done they quickly left to get back to their quarters. Without a word, they both headed to Izuku's room. He opened the door holding it open for his friend, and they both plopped down together on the floor.

     They both began snacking on the bags of berries, trading their favorites back and forth. "Mmphf- these are so yummy..." Izuku said quietly mumbling with a mouth full of raspberries. The two were truly a mess. Part of their clothes were stained with juice from the fruit and it would be a little while until it was their turn for laundry to get it cleaned.

         There was another knock at the door causing Uraraka to jolt and Izuku to practically inhale what he had in his mouth. "One *cough* sec *cough cough*-ond." He said through his choking, and hiding the berries of course. Uraraka ended up having to answer the door. It was the job counselor. "Ah, I was looking for you as well, Miss Ochako." He said. "You two did an excellent job in the kitchen, I'm sure?" He questioned the two, and without waiting for a response he began, "We have an absence of workers today, and I will need you two to do a few extra tasks." 

       Izuku's face definitely changed. It was a mixture of disappointment and full of question. "Izuku, you will to be sweeping the Castles front steps, and Ochako, I will have you headed to the Horses for grooming." The man continued. "Dammit, we aren't together this time....." Izuku thought to himself.

     At least the job he was doing was one of his other favorites. He enjoyed sweeping the castle steps because of the view. From where he was, you could see over parts of the Kingdom, rose gardens, the beautiful forest near, and towards the right was the beautiful ocean. The waves were mesmerizing to him, he loved the blue colors of the water sway back and fourth, and if later in the day, he'd watch the sun set over the horizon and look as if it disappeared into the large waters.

       Izuku quickly got up to do his orders, Uraraka disappeared to complete hers already. Izuku grabbed the silver handled broom and quickly made his way out of the castle.....


By the way, you DO NOT have to read this, it's simply an "authors note" I guess you could say, but it's really just a rant... haha....

It is                        12:20 as I write THIS. I haven't bEEN ABLE TO GET ANY SLEEPPPP, so I appologize for the weird chapters. I'm tired and drowsy but I can't seem to just close my eyes into the darkness 😖. I hope everyone else is sleeping well, highschool is treating me like a bitch.... but anyways, I hope this chapter wasn't boring and not as short as the last few I've written. I'll try to make them longer and include more in them as I go, I also need to make sure that I'm making sense as I write so it's not all over the place.

But yeah I hope you enjoyed reading and I wish you a good night, evening or morning wherever you are and whenever you are reading this..   :3
          1,537 words- October 24, 2020 12:25 AM

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