Walking Through Town

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It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Three year old Izuku and his mother were heading through the market like they did every weekend. Inko was holding her son close and was showing him all the new booths that had been put up. Izuku's favorite had been a fruit booth run by a friendly farmer named Jimoto. Izuku loved seeing all the colorful fruits. His favorite were the berries. Jimoto handed over a raspberry to the boy and watched as he almost inhaled the damn thing. He held out his small chubby hand for some more, and was handed a small baggie of them. Inko gave the farmer a few coins in exchange, said her thank yous, and was heading off towards the bakery.

"Hey Inko, Darling!" The man behind the counter said. Inko giggled and had a small smile on her face. "Hi Kimoro!" She replied. Inko held up Izuku a little more so he could notice the bakers presence. Once he did he shyly hid his face in his little hands and curled into his mother's hold. "Oh come on Zuku.... Say Hi to Mr. Kimoro."

"H-Hi..." he shyly stuttered out with his face still cupped in his palms. Inko settled Izuku onto his feet as she leaned over the counter slightly looking at the other choices. Usually she would get her favorite loaf of bread, but she noticed Izuku staring at some chocolate chip cookies. He slowly waddled over to the glass case and put his hands up to point at them. Jimoto chuckled. "Looks like the little guy wants some of my wife's famous cookies!" Inko held a warm smile to her boy, he was so fucking adorable. There was no way she was leaving without getting him a treat.

"I'll take three of those please." Inko stated to the baker. Izuku looked up to his mother with his bright emerald green eyes lighting up. Inko was handed the bundle of cookies, paid the man, and picked Izuku back up. "Thank you again! Expect me back here soon!" Inko called as she left the bakery. "Buh bye..." Izuku said towards Jimoto as they left.

They were walking back home and Inko pulled the cookies back out of her basket. She handed one to Izuku and continued to walk. Izuku eyed the cookie before taking a bite. It was delicious. The warm cookie melted in his mouth and it was super sweet. "Thank you, Mommy." He quietly said. This resulted with Inko giggling at the cuteness and giving her son a small hug.

Inko remembered that she had to pick up something from over the pharmacy counter and started making her way towards there instead. Izuku continued to take small bites out of his cookie until he was placed back on the ground.

Izuku was told to stay put as his mom talked to the pharmacist. He sat down beside her and looked around. He still had about 3/4 of his cookie left and he just eyed the splotches of chocolate.

In her free time, Mitsuki would disguise her and Katsuki a little bit and would stroll through town. The young boy loved to see the town. He hated being cooped up in the castle while his parents were busy. The three year old hadn't met any other children that could be his friend, so he was quite bored when it was just him and his toys. The stuffed lion he always played with couldn't talk with him back and they couldn't play tag with each other in the courtyard.

When Katsuki was in his room, the most interesting thing he could do was look out his window and watch the other children play. The kids were the children of workers in the castle or other higher class authorities. He could see them playing hide and seek in the small forest that was right there. Although the young boy didn't really have a grasp of things yet, he still understood what friends were. He loved watching them play in the forest. To him the forest was something out of a story book. The way the light shone on the tree tops and some had escaped to the forest floor was just beautiful. Katsuki would watch the beautifully colored birds fly in and out of the branches. He was jealous by how free they were, but he shrugged it off as he went to go play with some building blocks instead.

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