The Start: Midoriya Izuku

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Warning: Mentions of Rape and Abuse
~~~~I apologize for how long and boring this chapter may be, I think it's best I introduce things this way so it is done right.~~~~

The Omegan Trade Group (OTG) was a horrible organization. It has been running in kingdoms for over 200+ years. The company "farms" omegas like cattle or even kidnaps them off of the street. Once they have an omega, they hold them in filthy unkept conditions, usually in large disease ridden dungeons. The cells and cages in the dungeon were tiny, and the poor omegas where always chained to the floor. With the dungeons being made from stone, they were often cold. During a harsh winter the stones were freezing cold leaving the omegas to freeze as well.

Some omegas had clothes or very little clothing at most. They were most likely the ones kidnapped off of the streets. Farmed omegas had on only undergarments so that their bodies were ready to be presented to possible buyers. Clothed omegas were stripped to their undergarments for the same reason but only if the kidnappers were too lazy to strip them in the first place.

If you think that's bad enough then I'm sorry to tell you... but not at all.

The people behind the organization are worse than the organization itself. If an omega is by themselves on the street -swiped- their done for. There's no way an omega can fight off the strong alphas or betas that work there. The omegas in the dungeon are heavily malnourished and dehydrated. With any chance possible an Alpha or Beta will beat, sexually assault or even rape an omega. If an alpha or beta mates or even marks an omega without paying for one, the Omega is killed. The organization can't risk an unplanned pup or an already marked omega in the dungeon. According to the rules, if mating doesn't result in an impregnated omega, then it is permitted.

Male omegas were also extremely rare. If a male omega was spotted anywhere they were stolen quicker than ever with their worth being comparable to hundreds of diamonds. If brought into the trade group, they were the most targeted to be raped, only because of greed amongst their worth.

During an omegas heat, they are taken off to a section in the dungeon where they are chained painfully to the ground and walls and beat horribly and raped just as they would before, but in worse circumstances.

As stated before, omegas are presented to possible buyers. When a buyer comes directly to the Trade Group they describe the kind of omega they want and the workers bring out a group of so and so and the buyer can either choose them or leave them behind. If a buyer does not have a clue of what they want, orders are sent through the facility to chain all omegas wrists to the wall so that they are hanging ready for someone to walk through the facility and choose.

Midoriya Izuku, a little young, little omega, who's mother was a prisoner of the trade group herself...

Inko Midoriya was her name.

About a decade ago, there was a retaliation against the organization in which a group of strong Alphas and Betas infiltrated the facility outside of the fire kingdom. (The fire kingdom banned the establishment of a faculty in their borders, but they still allowed for the use of the trade organization.) The infiltrators killed off many of the faculty guards and headed to the dungeons where the omegas were kept. Approximately 400+ omegas were set free from the Omegan Trade Group that day. Inko was one of them. Hisashi Midoriya, the name of Izuku's now deceased father was the leader of the retaliation and was the one who directly freed Inko from her cage. Hisashi was only a poor townsman, but his own mother suffered in the facility and he made it so that when he was older, strong enough, and had his own army, he would Destroy it. And he did just that.

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