Authors update

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The last chapter I just wrote is all over the fucking place and idk what to do. I really love writing this story but some days my brain gets to the point where I don't know what else to type. This story is basically done off of what I'm thinking at the moment, or ideas I have throughout the week, I've never had a set plot for it. I also hardly update and lately when I do I feel like the chapters lack in quality more and more. I just want to apologize greatly to you guys. I'll try my hardest. For now I'll probably disappear for a while again. I should probably spend my time fixing the already made chapters rather than making new ones. So I think I'll do that for now. Hopefully the chapter really isn't that bad and I'm just getting upset over it for nothing. If I do change things up a bit, I'll update you guys on the progress :]

Also, Just pretend like Katsuki is a totally jerk, like he has been in the last two chapters, but kinda apply that (interpret it) into the chapters before, because I deadass gave him a horribly drastic personality change. The start of the book hes meant to be cruel and the spawn of Satan once he takes over as king.

Anyways, I don't know how to speak proper English.

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