part 5: what do I do?

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Rossweisse: but there's more isn't there?

Issei: too much honestly, I helped Akeno accept herself and I accepted her in a heart beat, the way she would help me when I needed it like with classes, magic etc. Her pot roast is the best, I remember our first date and how Rias, Xenovia, Asia, Gasper and Koneko followed us. We managed to get away and accidentally made it the love hotel zone. We encountered her father and Odin.

Rossweisse: I remember him ditching me and going to a strip club that old fart.

Azazel: hahaha

Issei: hehe, so Odin left after we talked. Akeno and Baraqiel got into an argument and after she told him that she didn't want to see him, he left and she was really upset. So much so that she tried to force herself on me as a distraction...

Azazel: but you didn't do it, right?

Issei: of course not, I won't take advantage of her like that. Just a few days ago, I woke up one morning and I found her sleeping in the floor in my room. I picked her up and put her on my bed.

Rossweisse: speaking of not taking advantage, just who was that guy you beat up? You know the one who was after Asia I think.

Issei: that was Diadora Astaroth. An ass hole that targets young nuns like Asia, tricks the churches they are in to excommunicate them then take them as his personal play things, just thinking about how he took Asia made my blood boil.

Azazel: then Shalba showed up.

Issei: just when all of us saved Asia, Shalba sent her into the dimensional gap, I thought she was dead and in my unstable state I entered the juggernaut drive, it was incomplete and I lost my life force as you both already know.

Rossweisse: I heard that Vali had to use the juggernaut drive to reduce your power.

Issei: it was also him, Bikou and Arthur who just happened to be in the dimensional gap, they saved Asia and after Vali divided my power, Rias called out to me, I could hear her voice and it brought be back to reality.

Azazel: what was it like to use the juggernaut drive?

Issei: I don't remember it because I only saw Raynare appear again and again, whispering in my ear, making me feel exactly like I did the time Asia died after she removed her sacred gear, constantly telling me that I failed to protect her and she was right, I thought Asia was dead for real this time. Raynare was the first girl I fell for but she killed me after our first date....hehe...I can't believe I fell for her on our first date......fuck.

Azazel: I'm glad she's dead. She sealed her fate.

Rossweisse: she was the one that Rias knew about.....

Issei: I was honestly scared of women but I got over it and I opened my heart to all the other girls in my former team.

Azazel: because you wanted a harem?

Issei: HAHA haha something like that. The reason I let them all in was because I though they all loved me and who am I to break their hearts? All I ever wanted in life was love and support, the harem thing was just a cover up. I would be labeled as a wimp and a pussy for saying I want love when guys around my age usually want sex but I was always different.... Fuck being the harem king... Such a stupid goal.

(Ddraig: happening???)

Azazel and Rossweisse widened their eyes.

Issei: the day we all started living together, my parents were proud of me for once, they always wanted a daughter or two so imagine their surprise when all the ORC girls came into their lives. For once I had friends... Correction a family whom I could trust completely but after being chewed out for something that wasn't even my fault....or maybe it was...

hollow with a heart (re-write)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang