𝗋𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖽, 𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽

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wonwoo was peacefully sitting in the cafeteria, untangling the pieces of elastic and string jisoo had given him earlier.

meanwhile, mingyu was uncomfortably squashed beneath the counter in front of the kitchen, watching him. he was originally preparing soup for one of the campers (who had tripped and fell over him while he was trying to scare seungkwan; wasn't his fault the guy didn't see him), but his full attention was now on wonwoo.

"wrong snack you're checking out," minghao commented, walking into the cafeteria.

mingyu snapped out of his trance and retreated into the kitchen, blushing a bit.

wonwoo slightly jumped as minghao plopped on the seat beside him.

"what's up, ramen noodle?" wonwoo said, without looking up from his book.

"i kinda had a problem, and i figured you'd be the best person to talk to," minghao fiddled with his fingers.

"i'm all ears," wonwoo said.

"okay, so i was talking to junhui and..."


he told me to smile more."

for a while, there was silence.

wonwoo finally looked up, scanned minghao's face for a second, and burst out laughing.

"what's so funny?" minghao frowned.

"you're worried about junhui's opinion of you? that too, his comment on you smiling?"

"don't laugh at me. you and mingyu literally have a sillier relationship."

"i've never seen wonwoo hyung laugh like that," mingyu piped up from the back, also frowning.

"i mean, he said it so seriously. does he like, think i'm the most boring person in the world? because it would be awful to lose my only chinese friend here," minghao said.

"hey, you always have me," mingyu said.

"you're not chinese," minghao bluntly stated. "neither are you my friend."

wonwoo giggled as mingyu dramatically clutched his chest.

"what should i do, smile more? it's kinda hard when i feel like punching him in the face every ten seconds," minghao said.

"well, why don't you punch him? you'd be happy, and junhui's pretty desperate for you to touch him, even if it means getting punched. it's a win-win scenario here," wonwoo suggested.

minghao's face lit up. "they don't call you genius for nothing. thanks."

"no problem. but hey... why are you so concerned about what junhui thinks of you? you do know he regards you really highly, right?"

minghao flushed red. "i... just wanted to know. and yeah, i know he loves me. i mean- never mind. bye!"

with that, minghao ran out of the cafeteria, bumping into a chair and sending a salt shaker flying across the hall in the process.

"huh. jeonghan hyung was right. chinese men are weird."

"you seriously didn't tell minghao to punch junhui hyung, did you?" mingyu commented, leaning against the counter.

wonwoo turned around. "i think i just did."

"you're absolutely horrible."

"and yet you're in love with me."

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