Peter... Hogan?

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{Warnings: Language and Flash being a dick

Notes: All of the Avengers (plus Pepper and Happy ofc) know that Peter is Spider-Man. Sorry but no Aunt May in this. }



Peter was the son of Happy Hogan. The only proof was his DNA and birth certificate (which obviously have fake copies on file). Everything else: his school files, his Doctors' files, HIS FREAKING SHIELD FILE... was all fake. They were doctored or hacked into and changed.

There were only four living people who know Peter's parentage: Peter and Happy of course, but also Natasha Romanoff and Loki. They had found out through their own methods (It's Nat and Loki what do you expect =_=) and had each come to a mutual agreement not to tell anyone.

Then this happened.

It was a normal day for Peter. He had gone to his classes, aced his tests, eaten his lunch, finished his last classes with Ned rambling the whole time, and then gone to his locker to pick up his backpack before going home.

He was currently loading his textbooks in his backpack when a certain rich kid came up behind him. Peter's spidey sense went off but he didn't try to move, expecting his usual daily beating. He winced as Flash pulled Peter's hoodie back, making the spider fall back onto the dirty tile. The bully leaned down and whispered in the other teen's ear.

"You better be ready, Penis, 'cus I'm extra angry today and you look punier than usual. That means extra beating today."

Peter stayed silent as Flash then started to kick him over and over to the point where he was seeing stars. The bully then punched him in the face multiple times, breaking Peter's nose and giving him a really bad black eye in the process. It continued like that for 20 minutes straight until he finally stopped and left.

Peter counted his injuries: broken nose, black eye, probably a couple of bruised and broken ribs, definitely a twisted ankle, and tons of bruises and cuts all over. He sat up and slowly started to stand up. He winced at the sudden weight on his right ankle, but picked up his stuff and put his hood up. He wiped off most of the blood and started to leave.

He walked out of the school and towards Avengers' Tower. He bypassed security and immediately headed up to the penthouse. He didn't say a single word as he walked out, despite all of the greetings from the team.

He tried to walk towards his room, but alas nothing is ever easy for Peter. Tony jogged behind Peter and started talking as he took off the teen's hood.

"Hey, Pete what's wro- Why the hell are you hurt?!"

This immediately alerted the team and they all watched as Tony pulled a still-silent Peter towards the living room and sat him on the couch. Tears were falling down the spider's cheeks as he stared at his lap. He quietly started stuttering out a reply.

"I- It's from school..."

The Avengers were in disbelief. What was happening to their nephew?! Steve slowly crouched down to Peter's level.

"Queens, is this what I think it is?"

Peter shakily nodded and started to sob. Steve released a few silent tears of his own as he pulled his nephew into a hug and whispered in his ear.

"How long?"

"Since 8th grade...s-so about three-ish y-years..."

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