The Witness (Part 1)

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{obviously no triggers}
{Regular Warnings: implied smut}
{Ships: Spideypool, Pepperony}

It was a VERY late Friday night (around 2 am Saturday morning) in Avengers Tower, and only four people were up at that hour.

One was THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TINY STANK, who was working on a new and upgraded Iron Man suit. Two of the three others... definitely weren't up to anything less than inappropriate. To be completely honest, one of the two wasn't even allowed in the tower (that is... without the override code).

Peter Parker-Stark wasn't one to keep secrets from his family (unless it's a good secret or if it's life or death), but he did keep one: his romantic life. No matter what, he steered clear of questions about his relationship status and sexuality. So yeah, none of his family (besides Natasha because she knows ALL! Side note: she approves of the relationship.) knows about his ULTIMATE GAYNESS!!!!

Let's be clear: The ONLY reason Peter didn't tell his family (besides Natasha) about his boyfriend was that they already hate him. HE'S DEADPOOL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

So yeah, Peter was in his room, making out with Wade Wilson. They thought they were safe because "WHY WOULD ANYONE ELSE BESIDES THEM AND TONY BE UP AT THIS HOUR?!?" But unlike the many other times they had a 2 am date night, they weren't alone in the tower.

There was still one other person still up roaming the halls (vents): the one and only Clint Barton.

You know, all Clint wanted to do was go get his post-midnight snack from the kitchen. He was planning on setting up pranks after his snack, but he heard something (or someone) through the vents and decided to follow it.

(let's go see how they two love birds are doing, shall we?)

As Peter cuddled against wade after their heated make-out session, he heard noises starting to creep toward his room from above. Recognizing Clint and the vents as the source, he quickly nudged Wade.

"Hey, Wade?"

"Yeah, Petey?"

"How would you feel if my family found out about us?"

"I'm good with it as long as you are. Why?"

"I hear Katniss in the vents coming towards the room. I was thinking of maybe making my coming out memorable?" Peter said quickly while blushing and grinning.

Wade quickly thought of a hilarious plan to scar Clint's mind forever. "Ooo! Let's have bird brain see us making out!"

Peter nodded instantly. "I like that idea. A lot."

He quickly straddled Wade's lap and pressed his lips against the older boy's. It quickly turned into a battle for dominance, in which Wade won, and formed an amazing make-out session while they waited for the oblivious archer.

(Now back to Katniss!!!)

Clint was starting to get nearer to the noises when he realized... he was going the same path towards Peter's room. What was happening?!? the archer thought, Is someone in Peter's room? Is Peter hurt!!!

He crawled faster with this new motivation, but when he finally got there, he froze. Instead of an asleep Peter on the bed, there was a sweaty Peter straddling and making-out with an even sweatier unmasked Deadpool.

At the sight of them making out, Clint accidentally dropped out of the vents and into a heap on the ground. He immediately shot up though and saw them making out from closer up. He then full-on screamed. Like: little girl who sees tiny spider scream.

<~•Line Break•~>

When Peter and Wade finally stopped making-out, Peter stared at Clint and asked, "What is it, Katniss?"


"You just witnessed a teenager making out with his boyfriend, that's what," Peter said nonchalantly. He and Wade just smirked as THE Clint Barton ran out of the room screaming bloody murder.

After the screaming died down, Wade turned to Peter. "I'm gonna go home. You better go to sleep because I already know that you're gonna have an eventful morning tomorrow. I'll be here around 10:30 so be ready." Wade said, smirking. He opened the door, and with a peck on the lips and a "BYE, BABY BOY!" he was gone.

And with one last groan of exhaustion, Peter collapsed on his bed and succumbed to the darkness that humans call 'sleep'.

740 Words (Everything above^)

{I am working on two chapters right now:

•The Witness (Part 2)


• my first Angsty chapter (which I will try to post ASAP, but it's taking longer than expected )

Comment witch one I should post first (if I post the angst first, I'll take longer to update).

I hope you liked this!!! It was a lot of fun writing it!!!}

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