Whumptober 6-10 (...late again)

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{Ok... Here we go}

6: "Stop, please"

"Stop, please..." was the first thing Tony heard when he walked into the penthouse floor of Avengers Tower. He had been in meetings all day and was finally able to leave.

Now he was worried. That was Peter's voice.

He crept into the living room and didn't see anyone. Then he heard Peter's voice again.

"Leave, please... I don't want it, ok?! Just leave..."

The father started going faster and looked in the kitchen to find his adoptive son curled in fetal position on the floor with a magazine splayed out next to him.

Seeing no one else in the room, Tony instantly ran over and kneeled next to the boy.

"Pete? What's wrong? Kiddo, I need you to talk to me."

Peter looked at Tony with broken eyes. He barely was able to speak.

"H-help me..."

7: Carrying

It was a normal Friday night in Avengers Tower. They were gonna have a family dinner and then movie night. Well, that all changed.

Peter didn't mean to not eat... he just forgot. Between patrol and homework and being bullied at school he didn't have any time... so he just didn't.

That Friday marked one month of Peter not eating. He was really skinny now and was weaker, but he didn't think anything of it. He just went to school as usual, but due to his lack of food his spidey sense didn't warn him when Flash's hand grabbed his head and slammed it into a locker door, causing Peter a concussion to have to hide.

Peter didn't even blink when he walked out of the elevator. He just gazed into the distance as he slowly stepped into the kitchen, where everyone was hanging out before dinner.

Tony saw him first and smiled, not noticing Peter's weak state.

"Hey Kiddo, how was school?"

The rest of the Avengers turned around and all greeted the teen.

"Sch-school w-was f-f-fine."

Natasha narrowed her eyes as she saw his eyes glaze over. She looked at him up and down and slowly stood up, worrying the others.

"Peter...are you ok?"

Peter looked at her blankly. He started to open his mouth, but before he could his eyes rolled up and he started to collapse. Pietro sped over and caught the body, slowly carrying it into the living room and putting him on the couch.

The rest of the team ran into the room, not knowing what is going on. Pietro had a hand on Peter's head and glanced worriedly at his twin after a minute.

"He has a really bad concussion and is malnourished and dehydrated. He seems to haven't eaten in a month. The only thing keeping him alive is the spider DNA in his system. Sister, I know we don't want to, but he's going to have permanent damage if we don't do it."

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