Whumptober 1-5 (Sorry I'm late!)

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{Ok... so I'm not gonna bother putting a warning area each chapter for Whumptober. You should just know that there will be triggers in each chap and some may have mentions of sex.


Also, I doubt you all would, but if you guys want to see one of these short snippets turn into an actual chapter, just comment.}


1: Waking up restrained

You know, Peter didn't want to be tranquilised... BUT GUESS WHAT, HE WAS!!

He had been walking to Avengers Tower after school when he felt a prick on his neck and everything went black.

When he had woken up, he was handcuffed to a chair. He quickly surveyed the room, noticing that he was in a warehouse. He was about to break out of his restraints when someone unexpected walked through the door.

Peter gritted his teeth and kept his cool as a familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"Well hello, Einstein..."


2: Collars

One random morning, the Avengers were talking in the kitchen and eating their various breakfasts. At that moment, Peter walked tiredly into the room, not caring nor knowing about the black leather collar wrapped around his neck.

His family stared at him in shock as he made himself a cup of coffee and carefully sat down next to his Auntie Tasha

The black widow herself turned to her nephew and quietly asked the big question in the room.

"Peter, why is there a collar on your neck?"

The spider's eyes widened slightly and felt the collar. Without warning, he jumped out of his seat and threw his cup to the ground, effectively shattering it.

As he quickly walked back towards his bedroom, the Avengers could here an angry groan that sounded a lot like "Wade..."


3: Held at gunpoint

Steve walked into the common room to see an unusual sight. Tony, his husband, being pinned to the ground and straddled with a gun to his head by his son's boyfriend, Wade.

The super soldier immediately runs over and tries to pull Wade off, but the merc won't budge.

"Wade, what are you doing to my husband?!?"

Wade keeps the gun to Tony's head and stares at Steve.

"I'm waiting for him to say yes."


4: Caged

The Avengers had just gotten back from a 2 week-long mission and were all worried. Peter hadn't called any of them in the past week and he hasn't responded to any if their texts.

As the quinjet lands, they all hurry off and go down to the child's room. They open the door and don't see anything but darkness.

Steve turns on the light and they all gasp at the sight in front of them: Bed unmade, clothes on the floor, and Peter's phone on the bedside table.

They quickly start to do a search of the room until Sam hears a whimper from the closet. He opens the door and then immediately closes it again. He opens it again slower.

"Hey guys... You might wanna look at this."

The whole family of Avengers look inside the closet and see a whimpering Peter curled up in a locked dog cage.

Tony immediately runs over and unlocks the kennal.
Peter perks up and looks hysterically at his adoptive father.

"I-is he gone???"

Tony and the rest look confused.

"Who Pete? No one is here besides all of us."

The teen finally realizes that the people helping him are his family and quickly scrambled out of the cage.

"Mr. Stark, Mama Spider, i-is that really you??"

He grabs Tony's collar and feels the genius' face like a mad man. Tony glances at his team with a look that yells 'HELP!'. He doesn't end up needing any, though, because right then Peter notices the door is fully open and goes wide-eyed.

"The door's open... I'm free."

Before anyone can stop him, Peter sprints out of the room while waving his arms like noodles.

" F r E e D o M ! ! !"

(Comment the reference I made in this prompt!!!)


5: On the run

As Peter is about to dust, Wade pops out of a portal. He runs over and collects the ashes. The author then proceeds to chase after him as Tony and Nebula both stare at the scene in front of them.Wade continues to run as the author takes a banana out of no where and acts as if she was calling someone. Not two minutes later, another portal forms. Three girls walk out, each with a resting bitch face on.

The first one, whom had a Perry the Platypus onesie on, yelled Wade's name. He quickly ran over like a lost puppy and started at the now-four girls.

The second girl, whom had on a panda onesie, started T-posing. Wade shrank back and cowered away from them, feeling their strength.

The third girl, whom was holding a blue Beebo plushie, pulled out a rainbow Uno Reverse card and held it towards the man. Wade fell to his knees, fearful, and gave the bottle of dust to the same girl.

The original girl, whom was the last one in the line, was sipping a cup of steaming hot tea from a Marvel coffee cup. She takes one more long sip before bending down and looking at Wade.

"Don't mess with the timeline. Don't mess with Peter. Don't mess with our family."

She then pours the rest of the still-hot tea on Wade. She smirks and all four girls disappear with a cloud of rainbow smoke and the faint scent of Tea, never to be seen again.


{6-10 will be out on the 10th [I hope]}


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