we won...

17 0 0

*in the hospital*

It had been a couple of minutes ever since the ending of the battle.

Bakugou and Yaoyorozu were fine. All they had were multiple scars and cuts, although Yaoyorozu had a burned mark on her right shoulder and lower neck.

All that were left were Midoriya and Yozora to wake up.

Midoriya then woke up feeling very tired and was confused on how he got to the hospital.

Then All Might entered the room, making sure no one else entered.

"Young Midoriya, you're awake!" All Might said as he got right next to the bed.

"Y-yeah. How's everyone else?" Midoriya asked with concern.

"Ah you're still the same old person. Always worries about others before oneself. Well to let you know, everyone has made a smooth recovery... except Yozora. He's still out cold and the doctors don't know when he'll wake up." All Might said.

"You should've seen him. He was amazing... All might?" Midoriya said.

"What's the matter?" All Might asked.

"When I was fighting Death, something happened. It's like after a bit, One for All took over. Like I had control but it felt like there were others controlling me too. I can barely remember what happened as if it was all a blur. Do you know what happened?" Midoriya asked.

"I can't say I know what happened. This is the first I've ever heard of this occurring within One for All. I could ask Gran Torino about it, if you want." All Might said.

"That would be perfect. I still want to understand One for All if I want to make it my own quirk." Midoriya said.

"Well I'll be on my way. I'm sure your other classmates must be worried about you. See you at school young Midoriya." All might said as he left the room.

*Yozora's room*

Yozora woke up to a familiar place. "Ugh it's always this same spot in the exact same forest."

He looked around and didn't see anyone. He looked down and noticed that there was a massive burnt paw print engraved into the ground. He could tell it was from Cerberus.

He began walking around till he heard something. He had to be on the defensive as he walked towards the rustling.

The thing jumped at him and as he was trying to get it off of him, he noticed something.

It looked like the strongest wolf spirit except it had spikes coming out of it and looked more savage and the eyes looked hungry for blood.

He got it off of him and saw the ground opening again. He assumed it was back to the living so Yozora took a leap before the wolf could attack him.

He then jolted awake but groaned because of all the pain his body was in. Yaoyorozu saw this and instantly jumped at him.

"Yozora! You're ok!" Yaoyorozu said as she kissed him.

"Yeah I'm ok, though my arms feel so weak and sore and I just wanna die." Yozora said while chuckling.

Yozora was still shaken at the thought of what he saw but it didn't matter to him since he was in Yaoyorozu's arms.

"Oh your ears and tail are out. And your fangs too." Yaoyorozu said while looking at them.

"Oh really? I-I didn't know. I hope you're ok with it." Yozora said as he looked down

"Of course I'm fine with it. Besides I think your ears are very cute." She said as she touched them. Yozora blushed but loved the feeling.

"Oh Yaoyorozu. You're hurt." Yozora said as he looked at her burn mark with worry.

"It's ok Yozora, I'm fine. Besides shows how strong I am right?" Yaoyorozu said while smiling.

"Yeah." Yozora said smiling as well. He kissed her again just because of how much he loved her.

"I'll tell everyone that you're ok." Yaoyorozu said while making a soft smile. She left the room full of joy.

He looked at the door for a bit before he acknowledged what Yaoyorozu told him.

His ears and tail were out and he didn't know why. He even got confused on why he has fangs.

A doctor came in to the room. "Ah Mr. Ōkami, glad to see you're awake."

"Yeah me too." Yozora said.

"Well I guess we could run our final tests and then you can leave." The doctor said.

"Thanks." Yozora said as he laid down.

Authors note: well I'm glad to say this arc is finally over. I really love this arc and it's my favorite out of all the ones I wrote. And dang 50 parts? This story has gotten so long 😅. Well until next time readers

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