Aftermath 2

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With Yozora in a medical bed, he was greeted by everyone in the class.

"Holy crap man, that was some crazy strength!" "Who knew you had such a strong quirk?!" "That shockwave you did with Midoriya was something else!"

Yozora was bombarded and he didn't know what to do so he just said "thank you for all the comments."

"Hey, you're still wearing your mask after all that? Shouldn't you take it off to breathe and relax?" Mina asked with curiosity. Both Yaoyorozu and Bakugou froze on the question.

"Well uh I would but um I feel better with the mask on." Yozora said nervously. "Oh well if it makes you feel better, I'll let you be you." Mina said with a smile. Yaoyorozu let out a sigh of relief while Bakugou was leaving the tent.

"Bakugou where do you think you're going?" Iida said as he stood in front of him.

"Tch, shrimpy over there is ok so I'm going back to my room. As all of you should." Bakugou said as he moved Iida out of the way.

"You should stay here to thank Yozora for helping you win both battles." Iida said with sincerity.

"Yea yea, you did better than expected shrimp. Now out of the way." Bakugou said as he was leaving. "You did good Bakugou and he's gone." Yozora said.

"Your legs are all healed up so you can leave now." Recovery girl said by her desk. "Oh well let's head back to the dorms." Yozora said.

*Several hours later*

"Aw crap, I need to go get my costume repaired. I'll go tomorrow after class." Yozora said to himself as he was changing to comfy clothes.

"I'm so grateful this mask didn't get damaged during the training." Yozora said as he was hanging up the mask to go to sleep. He got into his bed and drifted off.

His dream was more different than usual. He was standing in the middle of a dark forest with wolves in front of him. The biggest one started talking.

"Yozora Ōkami, there is a danger coming to the world and you must be ready for it." He said in a mysterious tone.

"What does this have to do with me?" Yozora asked.

"You may not know it now but you will face something that is dangerous beyond belief and you'll have to be the one to take them down. Take a look at these souls who didn't heed our warnings when a danger was happening in their time." The wolf said while looking to the left.

Next thing Yozora saw was a bunch of zombies walking towards him. "Gah! I have to get out of here!" Yozora shouted.

He woke up in a cold sweat and was terrified out of his mind. He looked in the mirror and saw that he had his golden eyes and that he had wolf ears and a tail.

"This is new." He said as he touched them. He was able to deactivate his quirk and he went to drink water and then went back to sleep.

Authors note: So I wonder what that dream meant. The ears and tail are only cosmetics for him and he can turn them off and on when he wants. Anyways it'll be a week until I write the next arc since it took a lot longer than I expected to write this arc. So until the next arc my readers. :)

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