The True Final battle

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Death finally got up and cleaned off the dirt. She healed her wounds ok but still had some scratches from that explosion.

She walked over to faint Bakugou and grabbed his hair and lifted his face up.

"I'll make your words a reality. Don't worry about it." Death said as she lighted a fire in her hand and before she could kill Bakugou...

"Don't do anything you stupid villain!!" Midoriya yelled as he went towards Death.

"Oklahoma smash!" Midoriya yelled as he went towards Death foot first. Death caught it and just chuckled.

"So weak... so pathetic." Death said as she threw him away.

"Stop!" Someone yelled as they ran towards Death. Death stabbed them and pulled them in. She pulled in Yaoyorozu and looked into her black eyes.

"Look at them. So fearful, so scared. I'll make this quick and easy." Death said as she burned Yaoyorozu and threw her to the side.

Yozora saw all this and his eyes widened. He saw his girlfriend wounded and near Death.

Anger filled him up and before he could think, he jumped towards Death with a look of anger and determination.

"Ugh the pathetic hero again? Let's just end this." Death said as she shot fire at Yozora but he dodged it in an instant and punched Death in the face.

The punch was fatal and she flew back from the hit but was still in the air.

Turns out Yozora used over 100% and he was completely fine.

"What? How is this even possible?" Yozora wondered as he examined his arm.

Then in his head, he heard a familiar voice.

"It's because you're fighting for what's right. Your body can't fail until you complete the mission." The voice said.

He knew who the voice was and did something he's never done before.

"This will hurt." He says as he charged up his whole body to over 100%. Now every move he did was stronger than 100%.

"That's all you got? You must be hilarious." Death said as she threw her scythe at his direction. Yozora was willing to take the hit so he closed his eyes.

His eyes were still closed but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw who saved him...

It was Midoriya who flew in at the last second to catch the scythe and throw it to the side.

"Midoriya... you saved me." Yozora said in disbelief.

"Of course Yozora. We're in this battle together." Midoriya said as he stood right next to Yozora.

"One for all, 100%!" Midoriya thought as his whole body glowed.

This was the last chance they had. This was it or else the world would die by the hands of Death.

Authors note: seems like this is coming towards an end. I don't know who will be able to win this.. but know that it all ends here

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