The Past Hurts

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Kirā was a simple girl who only loved one thing.

Her mother.

They always spent time together and even when her mom was at work, she would gladly wait for her to come back home.

Her mom always bought her little trinkets ranging from some candy to a doll house. Of course Kirā loved it, especially since it was from her mother.

"Mommy." Kirā asked as she was getting her hair brushed by her. "What is it honey?" The mother asked.

"You won't ever leave me right?" Kirā asked as she faced her mother.

"Of course I wouldn't. Why would I ever want to leave this bundle of joy who gives me happiness every moment we spend together." The mother asked as she swept Kirā off her feet and snuggled her. They laughed and loved that moment very much.

"Here Kirā, I want to give you this necklace just so you know, I'll always be by your side." The mother said with a kind smile.

"I love it! I will never lose this!" Kirā shouted as she tightly hugged her mom.

What Kirā didn't know was that her life... was about to take a turn for the worst.

As she waited at home for her mom to come back... nothing.

She didn't get a phone call from the house phone, the car never showed up, and it was dead quiet.

Kirā was getting worried about her mother. "I hope she's ok." She thought as she still waited.

*Hours later*

She was sitting in the living room as she heard a knock on the door. "Mommy!" She excitedly yelled as she opened the door.

It wasn't her. It was just 2 police men.

"Excuse me, is your name Kirā?" One of them asked as them got down to her height level. "Yes. Where's my mom?" Kirā asked with worry.

"Kid. We have some terrible news." The police man said as he sat down to tell her the news. "Your mother... is gone." He said as he placed his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"W-what?" Kirā asked with tears filling her eyes.

"As she was coming back from her job... a couple of drivers were reckless and... they crashed."

"Dude! You're going to give her PTSD!" The other officer said as he smacked the one of the ground on the head.

"Well how else should I tell her?!" The cop shouted.

Kirā was still trying to wrap her head around the thought of her mother being gone. She then began to cry softly.

She then started bawling her eyes out as she ran into the officers arms trying to find some comfort for her life. The officer didn't know what to do so he just hugged her back.

"I'm sorry. We're here to take you to an orphanage just so you can still be cared for. Just not by your mom." The officer said as he carried Kirā in his arms into the car.

They drove off knowing that Kirā could never go back.

Yozora Ōkami: Journey to be a hero (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now