First Impressions

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"Listen up, I'm going to say this once. We have a new student, you need to act professional and don't try anything funny. He will stay in between Midoriya and Mineta. I'm going back to my room, see you Monday" as Mr.Aizawa said leaving the door.

"I wonder who the new student is?" said Kaminari.
"Hopefully it's someone cool."

"I hope it's a girl" said Mineta. Everyone rolled their eyes at his snarky comment.

"It is quite strange of how we have a new student months after the entrance exam. But that doesn't matter who they are, as Mr.Aizawa said we need to act professional and welcome them with loving arms." Said Iida with a smile.

"Doesn't matter who they are, they're not better than me." Bakugou said as he rolled his eyes to the sky. Though he did dart his eyes in the direction of a certain someone but then he just kept staring into the sky.

The door knob twisted and everyone looked at the door and they saw a boy who's hair covered their face and had a mask on.

"Welcome to class 1-A, I'm Tenya Iida and I'm the class representative and we can't wait to have you as student as well as an inspiring hero." As Iida said as he put his hand out to shake.

Yozora stood there quiet as they all stared at him. "Well no need to speak right now, we will let you bring your things to your room and you should come down for dinner in a couple of hours" Iida said.

"Ok." Yozora said. As he brought his suitcases to the elevator and pressed the second floor and as the doors closed, everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

"Well that was anticlimactic." Kaminari said. "Yeah he didn't even say who he was, he just kinda stood there creepily." Mina said as she got a chill.

"He didn't look strong, looked like a shrimp to me." Bakugou said. "There's no need to be rude to our new classmate Kacchan." Midoriya said. "He's probably nervous that's all."

"I bet that he has a manly spirit" Kirishima said smiling. "Well it doesn't matter, I'll destroy him." Bakugou said.

"Maybe we should let some people get to know him and then he could feel more comfortable to the new surroundings." Said Yaoyorozu.

"That's a great idea, I suggest Midoriya and Kirishima. They both are cheery people and can make anyone smile." Said Uraraka.

"I don't know, I mean it feels wrong to just barge in on this new person." Said Midoriya. "I agree with Midoriya, the man needs to have his own space." Kirishima said while scratching his head.

"Don't be silly guys, I'm sure he'll warm up to us real quick" said Kaminari as he put his arms around Midoriya and Kirishima. "I'm sure it'll all be ok."

"Well if it will help us become a better class then we should do it" Midoriya said as he smiled. "You with me Kirishima?" "Oh yeah for sure man" as Kirishima said smiling and giving a thumbs up.

"Well we're off to talk to our new classmate and hopefully have a new friend." Midoriya said as him and Kirishima went to the elevator.

Yozora Ōkami: Journey to be a hero (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now