The Last battle

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Yozora, Bakugou, and Yaoyorozu were all healed up and ready for their last match. "Tch, looks like we'll have to battle half and half, four eyes, and raccoon eyes." Bakugou said.

"Hey Yaoyorozu, what does he mean by 'half and half'?" Yozora said with confusion. "Oh he means Todoroki. His quirk is where he shoots ice on his right side and fire on his left." Yaoyorozu explained.

"Ooooooohhhh ok then. Well thank you Yaoyorozu." Yozora said. "Anytime Yozora." Yaoyorozu said with a smile.

"Battle Begin" the intercom stated. Both teams were moving. "Ok we need a plan that'll counter Iida's speed and Todoroki's powerful attacks and Mina's quick movements." Yaoyorozu said.

"Let's just blast them and win this battle!" Bakugou shouted in the air. "That's what they expect! We have to be smart about this!" Yaoyorozu yelled.

But before they could come up with a plan, a huge ice ring circled them and they saw Iida running at them at full speed. And before anyone realized what was happening, Iida grabbed Yozora and took him away. "Yozora!" Yaoyorozu yelled.

"Don't worry I'll be ok, just think of..." Yozora was too far before he could say his last word. Yaoyorozu and Bakugou had to fight Todoroki and Mina but they couldn't see them.

Yozora was trying to get loose from Iida's grip with his wolf strength but nothing budged. "Where are you taking me?!" He yelled. "The goal was to capture 2 people, so that's what I'm doing!" Iida yelled back.

Yozora was finally able to escape Iida's grip but he didn't realize the wall in front of him so he slammed into it. "Ouch."

Luckily he wasn't bleeding yet so he can still fight. "I have to get back to Bakugou and Yaoyorozu. If we can triple team Mina and Todoroki, we should be able to win this battle." He thought.

Only problem was Iida was running around at quick speed so he had to be quiet about it. "Before I go help them, how can I lose Iida?" Yozora thought.

Bakugou was trying to look for Todoroki but he couldn't see where he was. "Where the hell are you you icyhot?!" He yelled.

Next thing that happened was a huge wave of fire almost directly hit him but he was able to dodge it quickly. "There you are." Bakugou said with a sinister smile.

Yaoyorozu was trying to find Mina but it seems she couldn't find her. She thought about where she could be. "Wait I got it!" She thought.

She then created thermal vision binoculars to scan the area. She then saw a heat signal behind the wall that was straight ahead of her. "There you are." She said to herself.

Authors note: Ok not gonna lie, I didn't really think this through. Yea I thought the first battle through just not this one so it might be a bit more everywhere than the first battle. Sorry about that.

Yozora Ōkami: Journey to be a hero (MHA)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin