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Yozora was finally done with his classes and he was finally able to get his costume fixed when he needed it.

"Ok so now I need to find where the Repair Studio is." Yozora said as he was looking around. He finally saw a sign that said "Repair Studio" and as he went to the door he heard a loud bang on the door.

He opened it and saw that a girl was in here already working on something. The girl grabbed this huge jug of water and took several sips.

"Um excuse me, where can I find Mr Power Loader?" Yozora said quietly. "Oh Power Loader? He went to the restroom, but he'll be back real soon."

The girl said without even looking back. "Well then who are you?" Yozora asked as he went close.

"Who me? Oh I'm Irezumi Wākā. I'm in the support class which is why you haven't seen me since I know you're in the hero course." She said as she looked at Yozora and winked at him and took some more sips of water.

"That's a lot of water. You probably use the restroom a lot." Yozora said jokingly.

"Oh hardly, I'm always working in here after classes and I love the room's atmosphere so I would never leave." She said as she pulled up her sleeve to show a wrench tattoo and tapped it to make a wrench appear.

"Whoa that's amazing! What kind of quirk do you have?" Yozora asked as she looked at her arm. He saw multiple tattoos of different things from a screwdriver to a pair of goggles.

"My quirk is tattoo. Whatever tattoo I have on my body, I can make it appear." She said as she continued working.

"I have to drink a lot of water though. Because that's what my body needs to make these things."
"You could've been an amazing hero, so why pick the support class?"Yozora asked curiously.

"I'd much rather make things than go off fighting people. Though for a secret weapon I have this." She took off her jacket and tied it around her waist and showed him a sword tattoo on the back of her left shoulder.

"Ah a secret weapon. That's very clever." Yozora said while admiring the well drawn sword.

"Yep. Anyways what do you need Power Loader for?" Irezumi asked while taking off her gloves. "Oh well I'm here for costume repairs." Showing Irezumi the suitcase containing his costume.

"Ah costume repairs? Not a problem let's see what we're working with and maybe I could fix it for you" Irezumi said as she took the suitcase to the main table. She placed it on the table and looked at it closely.

"Ok so we have a broken helmet that has a hole on the side of it. And we have a missing fist since I assume it got destroyed." "Yeah it was." Yozora said while looking away. "Ok the helmet I can fix easy but the fist will be Power Loader's problem and we'll have this ready before you need to use it again." Irezumi said while smiling at Yozora.

"Thank you, well I guess I'll leave this with you and be on my way." Yozora said as he was going to the door. "Goodbye Irezumi." Yozora said as he was leaving. "See you later boy I didn't get the name of." Irezumi said as she happily waved goodbye.

"Oh sorry, it's Yozora Ōkami." He said before he closed the door.

"Well goodbye Yozora... and he's gone." Irezumi said as she put her hands on her waist.

"Welp time to get back to work." Irezumi said as she began working and taking sips of water.

Authors note: what's a good story without some filler ;)? Anyways this is another OC I made and I wanted to introduce her to the story and you guys. This filler is a lot bigger than I expected though. This isn't really important to the main storyline but I wanted to write something before I could write the next arc. So yea see you till the next arc :)

Yozora Ōkami: Journey to be a hero (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now